FilmIndia (1946)

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jpril, 1946 FILM INDIA PEARLINE-PARIS LTD. P. O. Box 4?J, Bombay. PEARLEX BEST SKIN BLEACH <inergy. Such foolish pedantry deserves strong condemnation." M. ABDUL RASHEED. BANGALORE CANTT. THEN FOLLOW THE BIBLE! "Last week I had the misfortune of seeing "Pannadai". Seeing the names of our veteran actors like Chandramohan and Durga Khote on the cast I ventured to enter the theatre for which act I even now regret. The picture proved to be so boring that myself and my friends came out even before the show was over. The fact becomes doubly regrettable when I read your review of the picture in "filmindia" and had I taken a little trouble to go through your reviewbefore I went to see the picture I would have saved a lot of money, time and energy. "I now remember what you remarked once that in foreign countries "filmindia" is the Bible of Indian films but I could now boldly add that there arc millions in India itself for whom "filmindia" is the Bible of the Indian film industry." MADRAS. A. V. Savithri. DON'T I? "I was very much vexed to get your "filmindia" over here (Iraq) the other day by 'registered post'. Everybody in my office thronged round me demanding to have at least a look at the pages thereof. Bewildered I stood in their midst, confronting a problem as to whom I should oblige. Cruelly I left them all with the magazine in my sale custody, thereby incurring their displeasure. Could you tell me why even people who bitterly ha;e you for your trank, judicious com ments, die for the magazine.2 Presumably you edit it with some magical power that bewitches even your enemies. Do you?" B. K. Devaraj PA I FORCE. 5% IS TOO MUCH "If I remember correct, you have once stated that only pictures with 5% entertainment will be reviewed in your magazine. But you have all along been very kind to one and all producers by reviewing all rotten pictures thus creating the impression in the mind of the readers that thereis 5% entertainment in each of them. Instead, why not emphatically state that such and such a picture will not at all be reviewed as it is not worth reviewing. Some independent producers, of course, may not care for a frank statement of this sort and may on the contrary treat it as an insult. But surely a man like Chandulal Shah who produces flops after flops dare not ignore your remarks. Such honest criticism is bound to awaken those producers who only dream of turning out pictures one after another paying little heed to the quality of their products. BOMBAY. V. R. Murthy. RIDING ON THE TIDE "Many new film companies are being floated and patriotic themes being advertised. Where to, are the productions of "Jai Hind," "Inquilab". "1857" etc. going to lead us? Is it not high time that some of our widely-read film journals organize a campaign to stop these dangerously patriotic producers from betraying the Indian National Congress?" BOMBAY. I. I. Vora. WHO STOPS THEM? "It is often seen that the wives, in the pictures, call their husbands as 'Nath' or 'Swami'. which is quite improper. It denotes serfdom, servitude and great inferiority; and I am unable to understand as to why do the women of today, claiming equality, not object to it.3 Wives may call their husbands by names." GONDIA. R. K. Pashine. Jairaj plays a good role in "Rajputani". a historical picture of Ranjit 61