FilmIndia (1946)

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SUBSCRIPTION RATESi The tnnutl subscription, for 12 Issues of ''fllmlndla", from ■ny month Isi INLAND Ri. 24/. FOREIGN) Shilling! 50/ Subscription Is accepted only for i collective period of 12 months and not for a small period. Subscription money should be remitted only by Money Order or by Postal Order but not by cheaues. V P P.s will not be sent. filmindia PROPRI ETORS FILMINDIA PUBLICATIONS LTD. 55. SIR PHIROZESHAH MEHTA ROAD, FORT, BOMBAY Telephone : 26752 Editor: BAB U RAO PAT EL Vol. XII. JUNE 1946 ADVERTISEMENT RATESi The advertisement ratea are as (ollowu Per Insertion Pull Pa<e Inside Ri. 400 Half Page Inside Rs. t Page Inside Ri. • Page Inside Ra. 2nd & 3rd Cover Rs. 4th Cover Rs. 1st Cover Rs. The cost of the advertisement should be submitted In advance with the order. The advertisement will be subject to the terms and conditions of our usual contract. What 4bout The members of the Indian Motion Picture Producers' Association are in jitters these days. Ever since the day Secretary Ram L. Gogtay left the Association to join Loew's International Corporation, distributors of M. G. M. pictures, the Association seems to have lost its rudder in spite of a number of tall talkers making a lot of noise during Committee meetings. Secretary Gogtay did not leave without kicking up a big row about things. He asked for a big bonus which was refused by the Executive Committee. Then he refused to vacate the Association premises, part of which Gogtay has been using as his residence. Moreover Gogtay refused to return to the Association the sum of Rs. 23441 a fund from the Story Department. Gogtay also refused to return some furniture and the radio belonging to the Association. On the top of all this Gogtay joined M.G.M., an American firm, and will now help his new employers to sell 16 mm educational shorts all over India. Not satisfied with his new liaison, Gogtay accused the Indian producers of being unscrupulous plagiarists who have copied several American pictures from time to time. Add to the headache which Gogtay has given to Hie Association, the numerous plans of the foreign film interests to extend their activities in different directions in the country and imagine the present plight of the members of the Producers' Association. The recent Press Note issued by the Association provides ample proof of the helpless nervousness prevalent in this august body which so often threatens the film journalists with complete extinction whenever the journalists refuse to behave according to the expectations of some of the members of the Association. The Press Note is a rare specimen of jitters. It admits the activities of the Loew's International Corporation in distribution and exhibition of educational and documentary films in India and blames the press and the public in India for not appreciating fully the implications of this foreign invasion. -'Evidently, the Association wants the press and Ihe public to agitate so that our producers continue to enjoy their present monopoly of giving us rotten pictures in rotten theatres and with rotten intentions. And after the success of the agitation our producer will once again pass a resolution calling the journalists ungrateful dogs and what not. Ik* Quilling ? The Press Note proceeds to quote "That the film has a vital role in the national reconstruction and regeneration of every nation is now an admitted fact". This fact which the Association has discovered now after 30 years of film making and only after a foreign threat, has been a well-known truth for years. The unique Press Note proceeds further: "The Indian film industry is anxious to play its vital role in making available to the isolated communities in the country entertainment, educational and documentary films". And yet during the war when the Government provided all the facilities and the incentive to produce educational shorts, hardly a producer Prithviraj begins by throttling Neena but lives to marry her in "Prithviraj Sanyukta" a picture of Shalimar now running at the Lamington 3