FilmIndia (1946)

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FILM INDIA June, 1946 responded whole-heartedly. Have the producers suddenly realized the vital importance of the educational film only afer M.G.M.'s threat? The Press Note makes a mention of a helpless protest to the Government about which the Government also express their helplessness and proceeds to mention the formation of a new company for the distribution and exhibition of 16 mm films with the full support and blessings of the Association. This second move is in the nature of a counter-blast to the foreign activities. The new company promises "to take the 16 mm films to the remotest villages of India" and yet when Ambalal Patel of Central Cine Corporation recently approached some producers for permission to reduce some popular pictures to the 16 mm size for the very purpose of taking them to the remotest villages of India, he was point blank refused the permission, though he had offered as much as Rs. 10,000 for a single picture. And Ambalal has the reducing equipment, the distributing organization and the exhibition vans all ready to be put into instant operation. But Ambalal Patel probably does not enjoy the confidence of the powerful clique which controls the activities of the Producers' Association. If the basic idea behind the 16 mm. ambitions is to do good to our poor country we can't understand why producers turned down the offer of Ambalal Patel who could have begun the good work rightaway. But this is not the end of the precious Press Note. The Executive Committee of the Association has displayed impropriety by sending cables to M.G.M. and R. K. 0. and in doing so carried our helpless stupidity overseas. The Cable to M. G. M. reads: "Indian Film Industry anxious maintain cordial relations with American industry stop your proposal set up 16mm. organization in India greatly detrimental to Indian industry stop joint meeting Executive Committees Motion Picture Society Indian Motion Picture Producers' Distributors' and Exhibitors' Association emphatically protest against proposal stop our industry will resist same with every means in power stop kindly desist from setting up organization and Co-operate with our industry." The Cable to R. K. O. Radio Pictures reads as follows: "Indian Film Industry anxious to maintain cordial relations with American Industry stop your proposal dub Bambi and other pictures in Indian languages and screen them greatly detrimental to our industry stop emphatically protest against move which would be resisted with every means in power stop kindly stop idea dubbing and continue good relations with our industry. After these cables of the Association, the M.G.M. and R.K.O. Radio organizations arc expected to quit the field apologizing for their temerity for ever attempting to launch 16 mm. films in India against the wishes of the Indian producers. This is something like asking Hitler not to invade Poland or asking a. thief not to enter the Acclaimed By NATIONAL LEADERS & FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS AT A SPECIAL REVIEW IN SIMLA. " It is remarkable achievement... I congratulate you & your colleagues on your fine work for Bhooka Bengal" —Says Mrs. Sarojini Naidu "Any thinking person who loves his country will feel deeply moved by it. I could see that the whole audience was in tears"... —Says Lady Mohmad Shafi "This is a film of the people, by the people, for the people" —Says Norman Cliff, Foreign Editor, 'News Chronicle' "I would like to see "Children of the Earth" shown to everyone in Europe & America" — Says James Cameron of 'Daily Express' "Timely and authentic— I came away from it with a much better understanding of the hopes & fears that beset the lives of 80 p.c. of India's population." —A. T. Steele of New York 'Herald Tribune.' PEOPLt'S THEATRE'S FILM OF THE PEOPLE DHARTI KE LAL (CHILDREN OF THE EARTH) To be released this month in Calcutta ^Toi ~Tezutoual feighti -Qpply ~To- PEERLESS PICTURES 1 16 Charni Road, BOMBAY 4. For Bengal .-CALCUTTA PICTURES LTD. 4