FilmIndia (1946)

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July, 1946 FILMINDI A Our 1st Priz3 Winner for July: Mr. M. Parvez c/o M. S. Fteroze Esq., Sea face, Worli, Bombay. He wins Rs. 100/-. Russians. They have planned to add another 22,000 bringing the total number of cinemas in Russia to 47,000 by 1950. (That is twice the number found in the United States at present). Out of these sixty two new ones will be super cinemas planned to be the best and largest in the world. During 1945, 525,000,000 Russians saw motion pictures. This year the Russians will see more pictures than ever before, of course only Russian pictures, and a large percentage of these will be in colour. Russians have perfected their own colour process and experts are now working on the problems of producing threedimensional films. We must send Hirlekar to Russia to get the blue-prints. NOT SO INFLAMMABLE The report of the Conservation Department of the Motion Picture1 Association, shows that losses from fire in motion picture film exchanges during the last 20 y» ars have averaged only 242.70 dollars. ji year (Rs. 800 and odd). From 1926 to date the actual total loss in 31 cities has been only 4,854.70 dollars. (App. Rs. 15.000/1. This remarkable result is obtained by efficient and alert personal inspection of all Exchanges in cluding emergency exits, fire extinguishers, automatic sprinklers, vault ventilators, fire doors, electrical wiring, fire alarm systems and general storing conditions. The trade and the fire authorities both co-operate to save film and human lives. It seems the American film distributors are not in the habit of burning bad films and collecting money from the insurance companies. PLEA FOR PRE-CENSORSHIP Miss Christine Smith, motion picture censor in Atlanta, Ga., thought loudly when speaking to a crowd of Methodist Ministers about "Better Movies." Said Miss Smith: 'The best time for movie censorship, and the most effective censorship, is before the pictures are made. We should not only resent movies that have an undesirable influence, but we should support good movies." PATRONIZE INDIAN INDUSTRY ! KING PHOTO-SPOT To obtain really original and dramatic lighting effects a good spotlight is essential. It enables any particular points to be emphasized and dramatic effects to be achieved. The King Spot has arrangement for spot and flood light could be adjusted by the help of the lever. The day light effect could also be obtained by inserting a diffusion disc for which the clamp has been attached. The base has rubber castors, it can be folded for conveyance. The height of the light while on the stand completely closed 48", while fully expended will be 102'! The Prismatic glass of the spot light is heat resisting. It is -5 Killowat. Manufactured for the first time in India with Indian Labour & Capital. The price is without bulb. Price Rs. 250 (Less 20%) Immediate Delivery. For further particulars apply to:— messrs. KESH0 Ml III & SONS DEALERS & MANUFACTURERS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUSES, KESHO RAM BUILDINGS, Brandreth Road, LAHORE. 61