FilmIndia (1946)

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film: via October 194 P Bahadur Chunilal, in a Cornmeeting, admitted as much -aid that only the members who had contributed to the Fund could alone call me to account for it, for which I was always prepared. At the same time he advised me as a friend and in order to maintain harmony with the caucus that I should refund the whole amount. Had I elected not to resign the secretaryship of the Association I would have cheer fully accepted that advice, but the Committee in a matter that was of the utmost importance to the lawful existence of the Association declined to act though I brought it before them thrice. Upon this I resigned with effect from the 17th Nov. 1945 as I wanted to have mo part in the activities of a body that was acting illegally and unconstitutionally. I then had the fullest intention to work the Story Department as a Howtomakei|ourself lovelier -/fat Aim Try changing to the one powder which contains the secret of longerlasting loveliness— Poudre Tokalon. 'Mousse of Cream' is its amaz[ ing patented ingredient which will keep your complexion fresh and matt for hours and hours — which hides every tiny blemish and gives you natural looking loveliness. That is why, when you use Poudre Tokalon you will see envy in other women's eyes and admiration in his. In seven heart disturbing shades Rose -Peach, Rachel, Peach, Brunette, Natural, Suntan, White. rOKlLUIV FOR LONGERLASTINC LOVELINESS separate association, beyond whicl 1 need not allude to this mattei except to say that on my instructions dated New York the 21si| April 1946 my family refunded tht whole amount to the IMPPA (tht 1MPPA took as much as 4 weeks 1 to give the proper receipt to myll family) . I effected this refund be-HIcause I felt that the new set ofIj activities that I had chalked outl|| for myself did not need the help ofl this small yet much much-malign-l ed amount." BOMBAY 4. Ram L. GogtayM YOU DID THE SAME "The other day I went to see all picture at a local cinema-housell (Plaza). Two gentlemen werell sitting in the row behind me. They II had four tickets, two for them-l| selves and two for their friendsl| who had not arrived. One of them II went out to see if they had come. II In the meantime three British II soldiers came and occupied those II vacant seats despite the con, II tinuous protests of the gentleman H sitting there, who had already inII formed them that the seats were occupied. I also asked them politely to vacate those seats but they didn't listen. So, I, along with the aforesaid gentleman, went to the manager and sought his help in this matter. He condescended to send his assistant with us, but to no use. The poor fellow cut an extremely sorry figure. He allowed himself to be intimidated by the fluent English of these soldiers. "To cut a long story short, it would do to say that the manager pocketed this insult lying down. He was afraid to kick up a row. Isn't it a matter for shame that while our National Government is functioning at the Centre there is still a class of Indians who think it an honour to lick the British feet in spite of the kicks they receive from them?" LAHORE. B. K. Chadha. MORARJI IS BUSY "Profiteering in the sale of tickets at exorbitant rates at the entrances of theatres, especially those in which Indian pictures are shown, has become quite proverbial nowadays. The other day when wc went to see "Deewar" at Royal Opera House we were told by the booking clerk that all the