FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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March, 1949 FILMINDIA K. SHAKUNTALA (Mysore) What will be the future constitutional set-up of the Hyderabad state? Hyderabad will ultimately become a Christmas cake. MRS. P. K. SINHA (Lucknow) Have our politicians a sense of humour? The only one who had a rare sense of humour was murdered. N. VENKATESAN (Nagore) At what age do you intend retiring from active service? With the present cost of living, dying in harness seems to be the only prospect. M. BAMAMOORTHY (Kurnool) I am really very proud of having a friend like you in Bombay. Do you feel the same? / do provided you keep yourself in Kurnool. |B. SHANTABAM (Coimbatore) Is heaven full of angels? Must be seeing that it is so difficult to get in there. RANGA N. SONAR (Sholapur) What will be the effect on our film industry when it is nationalized? Criminals will be replaced by idiots. PRASAD S. N. (Ranchi) The Bengalees claim that they have produced the best pictures in India? It is a fact that India's best pictures were once produced by the Bengalees. But today they produce some of the worst ones. A. R. VASA (Bombay) How can our screen pay the best homage to the memorv of Mahatma Gandhi? By leaving him alone and not by presenting caricatures of his life. Let us have at least one saint undefiled. Why do most film stars remain unmarried? Producers don't like to negotiate business with husbands. Married stars usually get fewer contracts. N. BHAGWAN (Mysore) How is it that the Home Minister of your province. Mr. Morarji Desai, is not taking any action against the two multimillionaires of Bombay: Mr. Subedar and Mr. Modi who have deprived thousands of poor people of their legitimate shelter by constructing new theatres, though he i Morarji Desai I is well known for his impartiality ? Ask him yourself. Here is his home address: The Hon. Shri .Morarji R. Desai. Home Minister. Ridge Road. Malabar Hill, Bombay. S. HASAN IMAM (Calcutta) In what way can India give effective aid to the Indonesians in their struggle for freedom? Indians cant help themselves leave alone Indonesians. All we can do is to stop the Dutch planes flying over us and pass a few pious resolutions. Only the strong can help the weak and a nation's strength lies in money and armaments. S. A. GHAFOOR (Madras) Will Islam perish in India? Never! And why should it in our secular state? Islam is a great religion but its very democracy has been turned into fanaticism by some of its followers. That is also true of many other religions and it is a great pity because never before did humanity need religion so badly as now, FRANCIS D. SOUZA (Sholapur) How much is a vote worth to a true citizen? Nothing these days. With 700000 villages packed with white-cap voters, an intelligent voter doesn t get a dog s chance to be a good citizen, NARESH CHANDRA (Lueknow) Is novel reading a waste of time? Absolutely ! It is a mental debauchery. IMAM KHAN (Madanapalle) W hat has become of Shantaram's Kajkamal Kalamandir? Has the mandir done any useful service to our society? // has produced ''Bhool' a picture in which the hero takes a maiden behind a bush and she returns a virgin no longer. That seems to be Shantaram's idea of service to society. PR \DEEP S. TANNA (Kandivalee) Can we go about in society unshaved without annoying anybody? Ashok Mehta, the Socialist leader of Bombay, goes about with a year-old beard and is garlanded by many. Is a child in the cradle the best symbol of 'sleeping beauty'? Anything sleeping is beautiful except fortune. Do you know that millions of boys and girls are denied what thev love most — an easy access to vou and Sushila? // we meet all who come to see us who will write filmindia every month? And why turn a hard-working journalist into a Congress minister? Don't you all want a good magazine every time? AMAR NATH CHAKRABARTY (Ajmer) "Democracy ends in despotism ". hat is your opinion ? Not if the voters are educated. In England they kicked out the uar-mongering Winnie overnight. Virtue is not always rewarded. \\hy? Virtue is modest and doesn t intrude asking for recognition. If you become the Home Minister of Bombay what will be your first order? No garlands — no waste of flowers; no speeches—no waste of public time: more work and less showmanship: more pay and no wrong notions of sacrifice. Running a government well is hard work and people must pay for it. 33