FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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1949 t the time of his death he was orking in "Roshni" a Mehboob roduction. Simple and unassuming in life, . H. Desafs loss will be mourned y all those who knew him includlg a large number of film fans. He leaves behind a widow and a larried daughter. OVER THE WIND Washington D.C., February 2. On the 20th October 1948 the ntire text of "Gone With The Wind" lonsisting of 475,000 words was \j-ansmitted across the City of \^ ash{jigton to the Library of Congress by ifelevision and reproduced by a system known as ultrafax. i Ultrafax combines the elements of television with the latest technique in Ipicrowave radio-relaying and highJjpeed photography. The speed of Iransmission is so fast that as many lis fifteen to thirty words are record||d per second. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD! Bombay, January 18. The Rivoli Cinema at Lahore was ttacked by a gang of hooligans ho broke the furniture in the inenia hall, smashed the window anes etc. on the 17th January. The hooligans demand that tickets e sold to them and then proceed to -sell them at blackmarket rates. If le authorities resist, then they resort goondaism. Many other cinemas are also affected in a similar manner. HOLLYWOOD ON THE RUN! ■ Rome, January 10. In order to give an impetus to the Italian film industry, the government is seriously thinking of imposing restrictions on the exnihition of loreign films in Italy. New restrictions are likely to be imposed along three lines: a quota on the number of films imported based on the number shown in 1947; making more Italian pictures; heavy tax on dubbing just as the French have done in case of the Italian pictures. The shrewd American producers are already in Rome bargaining with the Italian government but details have not yet been worked out. MORARJI TO NOTE! Chicago, January 15. According to Mrs. L. W. Hughes, president ol the -National Congress of Parents and Teachers, "the time has come to take serious notice of the menace to our children from over-stimulating motion pictures, hair-raising radio programmes and corrupting comic books". The board therefore appointed an action committee to eliminate vicious comic books and objectionable radio and movie programmes. Him producers and book publishers will be approached because they are held responsible for a large part of the It is a rare acting team with Shyam, Nigar Sull^na and Yaqub in "Bazaar", a social theme of Madhukar Pictures. FILMINDt A evil which is making ievils of innocent children. THE HORRIFIED FINNS! Helsinki, January 20. The Finns have also an active Board of Censors with a i aw -breaking name — Valtion Elokuvatarkastamo which does useful work. In one week, the board banned five "horror films" They are: ""Temptation". ""The Pearl of Death", "The Mummy's Curse", "The Ghost of Frankenstein" and "The Frozen Ghost". Evidently the Finns react sensitively to horror depicted in such films. Among the Scandinavian countries. Sweden is the only country' where horror films are allowed. The rest — Denmark. Norway and Finland avoid them like rat poison. TROUBLE IN SOUTH AFRICA New \ ork, January 15. Ever since the war, South Africa had been a good market for American pictures, comparatively unhampered by Government restrictions. Two weeks ago, reportedly in anticipation for a request for a L. S. loan, the South African Go\ernment clamped down a set of strict import rules. The move involves dollar rather than commodity restrictions and, according to advice received in New York, stands eventually to cut film imports by about onehalf. Dollar allocations by the South African Government will be made on the basis of 50 ptr cent of the amount of dollars expended by an importer in 1947. ENOUGH AND MORE ! Madras. February 5. The Government of Madras have ordered with effect from April 1. that theatres or places of public amusement should not be opened earlier than 1 p.m. or closed later than 1 a.m. That is twelve hours of torture. BELIEVE IT OR NOT! Bombay, February 6. On Saturday the 5th February, film actress Latika got married to well-known comedian Gope (in private life known as Gope Kamlani) under the Civil Marriages Act. The next day, a grand reception was given to the newly wedded couple at the Shree Sound Studios in which many film people participated. There was also a moonlight party later on the Juhu sands where many 6J