FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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=r areh, 1949 iore marital piomises were made ^ i both sides — of course under the ^ ifluence of whisky. WEDDING BELLS! Delhi, February 4. Distributor Seth Jagat Narain's aughter Krishna Kumari got mar ed to Santosh Kumar, son of late . Gokal Chand of Delhi on Wedesday the 2nd February, at Delhi. Quite a few friends of Lala Jagat larain flew to Delhi not to forget ardar Chandulal Shah and Miss rohar to witness the wedding. Lalaji xtended his warm hospitality to one nd all and the celebrations were great success with the film people iking their full revenge op Lalaji's ellar. LET US HOPE! New Delhi, February 7. Addressing the Inter-Frovincial ionference ot Information Minis;rs with Mr. R. R. Diwakar, MinisiT of State for Information and iroadcasting, Government of India i the chair, Pandit Jawaharlal «ehru stressed the necessity of takng the public into confidence as to /hat government were doing. Said Pandit Nehru, "Publicity is n exceedingly important branch of (he functions of any democratic govIrnment, in fact of any government .nether democratic or not. It must lot only keep in close touch with the people but seek their co-operation. Referring to films, Nehru said, ''Education today, especially mass education, has been in some places revolutionized by the use of this method. I think documentary films are very important for miss education from a very large number of other aspects. Other countries use documentary films very largely both for what is called cultural propaganda and education. Something could be done by governmental agency in this respect." The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has already been in harness for a year. It has a generous budget of 33 lakhs a year. If it puts into action half of the platitudes spoken by the ministers the masses will be greatly benefited by documentary films, newsre?!s etc. QUITTING INDIA? The land on Warden Road which Producer A. R. Kardar hid purchased in his wife's name to build a palatial house during pre-Pakistan days is reported to have teen sold and friends are wondering whether Producer Kardar is caching his Indian assets prior to quitting ihe country. We hope Kardar is no' thinking of quitting India because if he does our film industry will lose an enterprising producer. FILM INDIA MOURNING A DEAR FRIEND Mr. S. G. Bhopatkar Poona, January 23 ^ e regret to announce the sudden death of Mr. S. G. Bhopatkar a great sportsman and one of the most charming film personalities of the day. on Sunday. 23rd January at his residence in Poona. Sadu Bhopatkar. as he was affectionately called by all his old friends, was a rare combination of a gambler and a gentleman. He gambled with life and its numerous opportunities with ihe zest of a sincere sportsman and was never licked even if beaten several times. Beginning his career as an actor in silent f'lms. Mr. Bhopatkar soon took to business and 'iistinguish^d himself as a prize showman. Hh business institution, the Bhopatkar Theatres, soon became a model institution of its type under Bhopatkar's ever smiling and never-ruflled management. On the turf of Western India, Mr. S. G. Bhopatkar was familiarly known as the 'Treble Poo' King", having acquired an uncanny instinct of cashing the Pool several times. The highest Treble Pool of Rs. J2.000[ was won by him. Actor, showman, race horse owne'. gambler and above all a gentleman, we shill always mourn Sadu Bhopj.'kar as a friend v\ho never uttered a harsh word and never used his face but -to smile. May his soul rest in peace and may there never be a-y hoise races in heaven. Amen ! It is love near the waterfalls in "Bapune-Kalia-tha" produced by Roopkala Niketan of Calcutta. Wonder whether Bapu told Meera Misbra and Paresb Bannerji to go so far out of tbe way.