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bril. 1949
Put your back against them and smile. The smile may make the walls nervous. Why is it that some old husbands having young |ves are as blind as bats?
Passion gives a cataract to an aged eye and veils its vision.
Is the modern man bloody?
Hell! And how? He sheds blood, drinks blood and gives blood.
Is aiding and abetting a girl in her marriage a |ime in the eyes of law?
Oh no! Marriage is a licensed institution and the law doesnt mind the litter it brings home so long as the girl you are aiding is not a minor. Where are wives very scarce?
In Sindh. where the women are overemployed and the men unemployed. Why were barbers surgeons in olden days?
Because surgery was a fine profession which required specialists. Xow quite a feu surgeons are barbers.
Sir C. V. Raman is of the opinion that newspapers, nemas and printing are the inventions of the devil. Is is correct?
Then OS a scientist himself. Raman must be a devil too.
Are you happv because you are not a politician?
/ am happy I am not a politician which, of course, doesn't mean that I am happy otherwise.
iNGPANEE (Nagpur) What is the difference between ' Swarga ' and " Jant"?
In "Swarga'' you meet Sadhus with bowls, while in " Jannat "you find " hoors "' with sherbet.
Ladies are more interested in critics than in politins. Why?
Are they? Please send me their names.
G. SUVARNA (Bombay)
Would you sum up your likes and dislikes in nerica ?
/ like the American people but dislike their politicians.
What do the Americans appreciate in us the most .'' The beautiful saris of our women.
RS. D. SANDHL (Agra)
Can you please tell me something about C-ulab and ope. mv two favourite tomatoes?
Both are versatile and talented. Gulab has
built a lovely new house recently while Cope has
taken a charming woman for a wife.
Who brought the dowry system to our land ?
\\ ar. which killed our young men through ages leaving behind a crowd of women, thereby disturbing the law of supply and demand.
How much capital is approximately required to produce a picture?
One much-boosted star, nine greedy distributors, one gambling producer, one stupid director and an idiotic story. That gives you an average Indian picture.
How will the film industry be affected by your death ?
Death affects neither the dead nor the living, for. life is an eternal current which instantly fills every void.
B. K. GHOSH (Liu know)
^ hen did vou first begin to like girls?
In the cradle, when they gave me a doll with blue eyes and a pink frock to play with and I have been looking out for a blue-eyed belle all my life. Girls are introduced pretty early to the boys and in such an attractive manner too.
How many good men are there in this world?
/ am one but no one knows about it. \\ hat s your idea about the insurance agents?
Social workers with thick skins.
R. B. SHIRHATTI (Dharwar)
W hv don't vou \sear a khadi dress like V. Shanta
ram ,
Shantaram hus changed his dress to suit the present political weather, if hen the Gongress was in prison, this very man produced " Dr. Kotnis "
Here is one more of Suraiya in " Lekb of Liberty Art Productions.
a social theme