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|ntaz Shanti has evidently a sad role to play in "Aahuti" 'Anokhi Qurbani" produced by Sansar Movietone.
Begin the cycle all over again. One day you will lose yourself and feel that you have won.
What is the relationship between the policeman and thief?
A comradeship of hostile interests. Has \argis got any extra qualification?
She has got her mother and two brothers who make the most out of her.
|SS HYACINTH TORPY (Hyderabad Dn.)
If you can t marry the person you passionately love. |at other alternative is there left for you to do?
Being a Bohemian is an alternative which is not strictly moral.
H \M VN (Trichinopoly)
Why does the Defence department of India contain ire Sikhs?
We still labour under the delusion that the Sikhs are the best soldiers in India. It is an old British fairy tale which the Sikhs still believe.
V. MARATHE (Akola)
Do rich people beg and if so in what manner?
They ask Cod for more riches, long life and more children. They want their riches to get a longer run.
S. NARAYAN (Madras)
Do you think the Nizam is as innocent as he pre
tends to be?
The Nizam is too old in the tooth to be innocent. No one believes in the Nizam's innocence. If women claim equality with men. why should men surrender their seats in the buses to them?
Women never ask for those seats. Men give them because they want to be noticed for their chivalry. At best it is a selfish gesture.
SIRESH (Jodhpnr)
They say, filmindia is a boon to the country! It is and I am a part of that country. SIRESH GUPTA (Jaipur)
As a medical student may I ask you as to what should be the chief aim of a medical man ?
Pain is a prayer to God and a doctor must answer it if the divine purpose of his profession is to be fulfilled.
W hat is the secret behind most of the pictures produced by Filmistan Ltd., succeeding at the box office?
They are produced for mass entertainment and the masses like them.
A. MUHY1 KHAN (Allahabad)
W hat do you think of the sweet air hostesses of Bombay?
Air hostesses are saccharine sweeties good only for the diabetics.
One of my friends says you are an aristocrat. Are you one sir?
Oh, sure.' I believe in that Urdu poet who said: " Ho faqirimen basar andaz shahana rahe ".
K. T. RAMA CHAR (Waltair)
W hat exactly is your bank balance?
Rs. 3,012\-. I have bought an Irish sweepstake ticket though.
What is your opinion about Andhras in general?
A rowdy people who talk too much, demand rights and often forget responsibilities.
DAYA KRISHAN AZAD (Jammu Tawi) Is pickpocketing an art ?
Till a policeman objects to it.
Have you ever seen a Punjabi rot? If so, what is your opinion?
/ saw a good Punjabi picture once, " Kurmai ". The rot set in after that.
W here does old age begin ? In bed.
Can reading be called work?
It is work for students and journalists.
Why do you hate Communists? They are hone&t folk fighting for the people?
Which people — Russians or Indians?