FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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F 1LMI.VD1A May, 1' f D. WILLIAM MOSES (Tanjore) What do you think of the present activities of the socialist leader. J. P. N-arain? He is the Hamlet of Indian politics in the 'to be or not to be: frame of mind. P. NANJUNDIAB (Anantapur) If woman is the "queen' of the kitchen, then what should man be? King in the dining room if he wants the queen to continue in the kitchen. Women like to cook only if men eat. What is the difference between a weeping man and a weeping woman? A weeping man destroys while a weeping woman builds. R. VEMGOPAL REDDV (Madras) Oscar Wilde says. '"The book of life begins with a man and a woman in a garden." \\ here does it end? It ends in the bed with new editions of the book. IKRAM U. KHAN (Saugor) Can you give me some idea of what a producer does in the "muhurt" ceremony of a picture? He passes the hat around and collects from the distributors. I suggest a change in Ranjit's old trade mark — instead of the horse, there should be a donkey and let our Sardar Chandulal Shah replace that long unfamiliar man riding over it ! How do you like this? Thai might bring luck. Gamblers should try all sorts of mascots. SAMUEL HANNOCK (Bombav) If I sav something absurd to mv wife she begins to cry. Why?' For marrying in haste. ARJAN L. MAHTANI (Bombay) What are your impressions of American customs and habits? Americans have no customs and habits. They have fashions and foibles. Describe an average American? A good hearted person worried about the next week-end holiday. OMESH CHANDRA WHIG (New Delhi) What are flowers for? To decorate gods, gardens and guardian politicians. C. T. PRABH \K \H \ MENON (Bombay) What is economy? Creating a surplus from a deficit. Is the Atom Bomb a dangerous thing? The hands that drop it are dangerous. The ■itom Romb is a harmless thing in the hands of good men. SAV AK NANAVATI (Allababad) Why is it that a Russian citizen is not told what is democracy? u That would be adding butter to the Commtu ft* bread and Russia can't afford it. A. N. NARAYANA RAO (Mysore) What is a pale face? It is a Red Indian's description of a white ma face which is becoming more pale every day w the fear of other pale faces carrying the hamn and sickle. \^ hen do mistakes become sins? W hen apologies do not follow in the wake mistakes. W hat are screen doctors? Extras with barber s bags. ^ hy is Dixit out of news these days? He is in bed with heart trouble. Why i : write him a nice letter to cheer him up? His c v dress is M . J. Dixit, 750 I'arsi Colony. Dadar, Bo bay. \^ he are the best killers of music in our films? The Ran jit gang of desperadoes. They mura music and kill emotions so often in their pictun \^ hen does the secret about a film star's age becor clearly known? When theatre men wait for the crowds th never come. \re witty women attractive to men? Only if her nitty remarks punctuate his got humour. ^ hen do all the dreams of an angler come true? When he sees the fish in the frying pan. What is the biggest mistake of film distributors? Gambling on the stars that never bring U bacon home. ^ hen does failure mean bankruptcy ? W hen the debts are small and the creditors a afford to be vindictive. If God is all-pervading, why not we worship hi in our own hearts instead of doing so in churches, mo ques or temples? Hearts become temples of God only when tl mind is lit up uith knowledge. Temples, mosqiu and churches are built for the ignorant masses practise the self-hypnosis of mass prayers. Which is a feather in a film producer's cap? Box office success is the cap and a good reviei of his picture in "filmindia is the feather. Sonu times he wears the feather without the cap. Is there anything else of importance in this worl except gold? The way of getting it and its use afterwardi A kind heart was always my undoing. What is you experience? My heart has my whole life mortgaged to other and I often wonder whether I shall carry over sonu liabilities to the next birth. What is all this pomp and pageantry in these day