FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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1 May, 1949 ^arching enquiries into the procurelent of materials by these people nd if any legal proceedings have all been launched against some f these cinema owners."' ALCUTTA. Jagdish Prashad Shah. SAHU'S 'SAJAN1 ! "The other day I saw Filmistan's Sajan''. a picture produced and irected by that talented artiste Kilore Sahu. But in writing and irecting this picture Kishore seems > have left behind his talents for uture use. First and foremost there s no story at all in this picture. It 5 a strange concoction of absurd inidents which at once defy all imaination and intelligence. Imagine son of a loving mother returning ome from England after eleven ears' absence, meeting with an aceient and going astray while a waster, ontrary in every respect, physically, len tally and habitually .o the Engand-returned fellow palming off as be son of that loving mother. He loes not stop at that but goes on to laim the heroine, who is already narried to the other guy, as his own /ife. Just for a moment imagine (amesh Gupta palming off as Ashok vumar. (Ian even a fool's imaginaion stretch to such an extent? In ddition Harnesh Gupta makes a farce •f the whole -li<>\\ b) hi -tupid act ''Another impossible incident is dien Kamla. a daughter-in-law of respectable family, runs away from lome and joins a group of gypsies, mmediately she starts swaying and winging her hips as if she had been . professional street dancer all her ife. When she comes home disguised as Radhia. the gypsy girl, no •ne in the house, including the faithnl servant, recognizes her; whereas veryone in the audience who has een Rehana only for one and a half lours can make her out. Do all hese absurd incidents speak for Kinore Sahu's intellectual stature for vhich he is noted in our film indusry? Yes. "Sajan"' has unmade Kihore s genius which made "Raja" i notable milestone in the progress f our film industry." IANGAEORE. V. k. Fazlur Rahman. fullv AGREED . appreciate the views expressed by you in your article mment must stop this •Gov racket", Since our independence, it is a dailv wail of our Government that their financial position is far from satisfactory. In the light of this, the money that is being prov ided to those who visit Hollywood or America for cashing their junk without bringing any prestige to our country, is in my opinion, a criminal waste of money, every anna of which our country badly needs. "I suggest that instead of sending Indian money and men to popularise Indian Films in the I .S.A.. our Gov FILMINDI.A eminent should invite foreign technicians to train our producers to raise the present standard of our film production." JOGFSHWAR1. Nari C. Rao. KEEP PRAYING ! "Vt e have at present in Bangalore about 30 theatres, definitely too many for a population of about four lacs. We have clubs, parks and gardens where one could get entertainment in plenty. In spite of all these, we find that new theatres are springing up like mushrooms. AWAIT j 63