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June, 19
Do you approve of gambling ?
Oh, yes, if you have money to burn.
B. K. GHOSH (Lucknow)
What is your idea about the Islamic States?
''Islam" means peace but an Islamic State means trouble.
Why is Protima Das Gupta fond of posing with a cigarette tin in her hand?
Protima takes all sorts of poses. She is a versatile artist. But that may not be a cigarette tin, it may as well be a collection box. When a girl blushes on seeing you, what conclusion would you draw?
That she is a cradle-hunter. Run away unless you like to pay milk bills.
What do you think of the present day students?
Spineless rowdies poisoned by politics !
A. F. SUM (New Delhi)
For many years 1 had not seen Indian pictures.
Since reading your "filmindia", I have started seeing
Indian pictures. Why?
You have become intellectual now and you probably go to verify my reviews.
A. S. NAIDU (Secunderabad Dn.)
Who is the king-maker at present in India?
We don't make kings in India these days. W e unmake them and our prize unmaker of kings is
Poornima, sweet and sad, makes a good impression in 'Thes", a social theme directed by Kidar Sharma for Oriental Pictures.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the bronze idol of . lions.
Sardar Patel is called the iron man of India I learn that he is a very sympathetic and kind man. '
me your views please?
Haven t you seen his little grandson on his I Well, only kind men are liked by little ones. £| our princes love him. D. R. THAKKAR (Parel, Bombay)
When a student in Surat complained to Home M ter Morarji Desai about not getting enough kerosen for his studies, the minister is reported to have as the student to go and study under the municipal \\ post because he himself had done so. Is this a story — the one between the minister and the lamp j — and is it the right remedy for government's failuij supply kerosene?
For the truth of the story ask the lamp There is no intelligence in the reply which a nineteenth century prescription for a twen century grievance. It is like asking a man, complains about railway irregularities, to gi Benares on foot because in old times people on a pilgrimage in this manner. M. K. PAN J WAN I (Bombay)
Who, do you anticipate, would write the best ol ary upon your death?
Dead men don't read obituaries. The li do and their opinions don't move the dead.
Are you the same Baburao Patel who directe picture called "Maharani" featuring Padma Devi n
years ago?
There is only one Baburao Patel in lndia\ MRS. ACHLA KAPOOR (New Delhi) What will be truth w ithout a lie? A virtue without glamour. MISS PRABHA (Bangalore)
Is the press given complete freedom in our coun Absolute freedom to praise the government print the photographs of the ministers. What salary do the Indian ministers draw?
Though the actual salaries are small, even t salaries are more than what some of them desi
V. K. MOORTHY (Bombay)
Apart from her youth what else has Suraiya? The goodwill of idiots. M. C. TEW ARY (Lueknow)
Does it not pain you when you see a person able than vourself enjoying better life than you do Oh, no ! I never overrate myself. I all'
feel that I get what I deserve. If the other
gets more all luck to him. MRS. MAYA JHA (Lueknow)
Which is the best dress for a young lady? One that covers her physical defects and
to her charms. Parsi women wearing skirts i
the Western costume. S. G. BIJAWAT (Mhow)
Are you always honest in your criticism? Pe say you are not.