FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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FILMINDIA SURESH NAKUL (New Delhi) In what sphere do the rich and the poor differ? In the sphere of square meals. In whose memory did you start writing "filmindia"? In loving memory of my poverty and starvation. Delhi is too dangerous a city to be the capital? Yes, it is too near the hostile frontier. Bombay should be the capital of Free India. It has a more uniform climate and is far away from prying eyes. Why don't you open a pan-bidi shop in Delhi? It will make you a millionaire in a few months! / give you ivords to chew which you can neither spit out nor swallow easily. And who wants to become a millionaire? T. C. CORNELIUS (Bombay) What is the liability of a liar? To gild his lies uith the glitter of truth. B. NANJLNDAIYA (Mysore) Do you like to lead a peace mission to South Africa? Peace is found on the target of a bullet and not carried on the mules of missionaries. Is bald head a sign of wisdom? / have doubts after meeting Aiyar, the Chairman of the Bombay Board of Film Censors. P. M. SHAH (Ahmedabad) Can you count the gifts of God to you? He keeps the count, I draw on the account. Co-education will ruin both sexes or uplift them? // cohabitation has not ruined them yet why should co-education do so? Co-education, I think, is a good preliminary for the subsequent cohabitation. How beneficial will it be if our ancestral methods of education are adopted these days? We shall have to sit under a pipal tree before a guru on a deer skin and swallow with the ears what he spits out from his mouth. In the evenings we shall have to massage the gurus legs and prepare his "bhang" thrice a day. Even Morarjis lamp post and Maulana Abul Kalam's candle are an improvement on this ancient method. IRFAN AHMED (Lucknow) Do women ever speak the truth? In sleep about themselves and in temper about their husbands. JAYANT KR. MOHAPATRO (Patna) Why doesn't Suraiya marry? She is yet a kid and still sleeps between her mummy and granny. Is Prithviraj Kapoor a musician? II hat is he not? I see him even repairing musical instruments. What would happen if mermaids were to appear in the present world? Film producers would become sharks and turn the sea into a swimming pool. 20 July, 1 Does God like the sound of bells? No, but the devotees deafen their conscie with the din. When can we expect to have milk bars? W hen we convince the cows that we want t, milk and not their meat. What sort of an art is flattery? It is an art of serving poison in the most de table form. JAGDISH PRASAD JAIN (Hapur) Why has it become the custom these days that w go to the market to purchase things and husbands main at home? That way you leave the argument in the sf and buy only what you have paid for. What was the real aim of Lady and Pamela M batten in coming to India? They came for some eggs, sugar and c' which need no coupons in our country. Did you ever get an opportunity to talk to M Gandhi? / did but he asked me to quit the film ind' and do something useful. What is a misunderstanding? Marriage is a miss understanding. What is the use of employing women conducto buses? You can have the same passengers going r the circuit. What are the ins and outs of a film actress? When the 'outs' go in the 'ins' come out. What do you think of Maulana Azad? He is the man who likes to burn cand light up his brain. That explains some of the pockets. Why don't you have a buffalo instead of a dog / have enough buffaloes in my office. I risk one more in my study. What are the qualifications of our Prime Mil Pandit Nehru? Fine fibre, sincerity of purpose, patriotis delightful impatience. Is Bombay a nice place? Not these days, with empty bottles, empt machs and empty heads! Are there capitalists in Russia too? Oh, yes! There are rouble millionaire own houses and cars and get all the comforts o Suraiya! Suraiya! Suraiya! What is that Mr. I Name of a mascot which weak-kneed pr tie round their necks for luck. What is the harm if anybody kisses a girl? she lose anything? Only lipstick but her man loses his pr woman is rated according to the pride and pt of her man.