FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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j, , 1949 f. . KRISHNARAO (Dharwar) What do you like more: Shri Rama deserting his II, for the sake of his people or the Duke of Windsor baking his people for the sake of his wife? / prefer Windsors courage to King RamChandra's cowardice. It is more manly to be human than to arrogate to oneself exaggerated II attributes. || Is silence always golden? Not with the present white-capped ministers tying us up with new laws and new taxes every day. What does Minister Morarji mean by saying that Iris neither a sadhu nor a yogi? He probably wants to join the sinners' league. U What must have been Gandhiji's first question to Jajini !\aidu when they met way up? How is Vallabhbhai getting along with Jawahur'f And did you bring some juicy stories from I Maniben? j Who is the greater map-maker of the two: Sardai '; I or Jinnah? A map-maker uses brush and paint, not knife , and blood. What does the Jinnah Hall in Bombay signify? A death in the family! Did you find anything special in Americans which Mans should try to learn? Their genius in creating money which brings with it invention, industry, employment, food, entertainment etc. KIIVAN K ALAN J EE (Durban, S. Africa) Why are we not getting any new films in South Mca these days? The white Africans are not treating us well these days and we have stopped exporting films. MTOSH KUMAK MUKERJI (Allahabad) | Is life nothing but an empty dream ? How can it be empty with death in it '? || What is the meaning of meeting in heaven ? thing on earth. 1. ELJI ( Janiidiedpur) What do American girls do when boys annoy them? ]l They tickle back and both laugh it out and : forget it. *|BD NARAIN MATHUR (Jaipur) Why is it that a doctor does not attend his patient's ttjral? A patient's funeral is a censure of the doctor's ability. Criminals rarely return to their scenes of crime. U>VANI (Bombay) How to face a narrow-minded wife? '/ ith smiles, garlands and flattery — same way as we face some of the Congress ministers in the country. FILMINDIA Why doesn't Asoka Mehta shave? The beard at least gives him a face. If he shaves that off, only the nose will remain and Asoka will look more a bird than a man. M. L. GOHIL (Nairobi) How is it that Prithviraj is not on the screen these days? He will soon come dancing the Tandav in a horse show of Shantaram. RAMCHAND PANJWANI (Bombay) How would you define embracing? Four good urms in wrong arm-pits, B1SHAN SAHAI (Ghaziabad) How old is a woman when she lights eighteen candles on her birthday cake? In this tropical country of early murriages she can be two babies old. D. P. KATYAL (New Delhi) What should be the ratio between the population and the cinemas in India? //( America there is one cinema for every 8000. In India the present ratio is one cinema for every 1,50,000. An average good-sized theatre can accommodate over 15.000 persons a week. Calculating an average run of 4 weeks for a picture, we need at least 5,000 theatres, i.e. one theatre for every 60,000. Nargis, a superb artiste, plays the lead in "Hulchul", pro> duced by Mr. K. Asif. 25