FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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jrgust, 1949 FILMINDI A Karan Dewan. His most violent act is an occasional sneeze. J R. NADGONDA (Dharnar) Do you know, Mr. Patel, the postal envelope now , sts two annas? / know and the weight of the extra postage has made its journey slower than before. S. AHLl V.ALIA (Delhi) \^ hat is there honourable and noble about a soldier ? His willing consent to give his life for his country. Do you know that soldiers always die young? IAHZADAKH A!N ZAROBWAL (Bombay) Could you tell us why Dilip Kumar was not invited Kamini kaushal for her birthday party? His absence was suggestive but I am told that Dilip is a boy of retiring disposition and does not like crowds. \\ hat was the exact time and place when you first 't your wife-cum-secretary ? At 8-30 p.m. on the 15th of January 1942 at the If ayside Inn on Rampart Row, Fort, Bombay, India. Let me know what the future has in store for us. LEEI AVATI MENON (Madras) Do you think the creation of an Andhra province •uld end this ministerial tussle in Madras? More provinces — more ministers — more tussles. I would like to see all the provinces turned into as many Commissioner s districts and ruled from the Centre with a single legislative assembly. We shall then have some peace, unity, uniformity and efficiency. The present provincial autonomy is making a mess o,f our freedom which the ever-hungry Chinese may roll one day on their red tongues. VELJI (Jamshedpur) Should a girl marry a man who snores during ep? A snoring man is better than an empty bed. Why do Hindus take off their shoes before entering emple? To keep the street dirt out of the temple and not to trade in old shoes for new ones. (.Ill NATH DAS (Darbhanga) Please name the producer who is kind and sympatic to his workers? Chuni Lall of Filmistan who distributed a lakh of rupees to his workers very recently. Hon'ble Thakin Nu returned with hope. What )e? Same hope which China's Chiang entertained. t'ANTILAI, K. DOSHI (Bombay) How is it that brothels are still flourishing opposite Congress House in Bombay with the Congress Govment in power? Probably to prove that white-capped Congressmen can remain saints with sin facing them. It sounds like an illicit distillery in the lap of the prohibition police. A. DE' CRUZ (Nagpur) How many more times you expect to marry? These Congress laws have cut short an enterprising career. Could you tell me the exact number of times you laugh per day? / am not so extravagant as to laugh every day. The last time I laughed was when I saw Shantaram standing like a Congress volunteer beside Minister Morarji. Previous to that the sight of Chandulal Shah in an English suit while on way to Geneva gave me a severe stomachache laughing for days. S. K. AGARWAL (Luc-know) Vi hat is a college romance? I sually a theory for a future domestic laboratory— sometimes an actual rehearsal of the future experiments. S. C. SIVANANJAPPA (Sangenahallv) In which role has K. A. Abbas succeeded: as a journalist or as a platonic lover ? Judged by the money he earns, Abbas is a successful journalist. Platonic loving is an honorarypastime. ARJAN D. BHARWAM (Ootacamond) \J hy is Sardar Patel called A ir Hamiman"? Because he Was the first lieutenant of our "Ramnani' saint. \^ hy has twenty-three months of freedom failed to produce even an Indian national anthem? W e are trying to describe our freedom before we sing about it. Request To Readers ! We have received several complaints about agents demanding more than its price for "Grey Dust", Baburao Patel's unique and wonderful book. The price in India is Rs. 10| per copy and Rs. 12[ per copy in Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon. Readers are requested not to pay more as they can always order copies directly from: SUMATI PUBLICATIONS 55, Sir Pherozeshah Mehta Road, Fort, Bombay. X.B. Remittances should be made by M.O., as copies will not be sent by V .P.P. 31