FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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FILMINDI A What is the difference between Stalinism and Communism? Stalitiism is the fascist form of Communism. How is it that after so many years of hard and intelligent work, your bank balance does not show big figures? Journalism is not a textile mill for turning cloth into currency. Why does the entertainment tax vary from province to province? In the present Congress Raj it is dangerous to use the word "why". The ministers themselves do not know why they are doing what they are doing these days. SHANKER G. MAKHIJANI (Curacao) Has Government of India done anything for the Sindhi refugees in India or are they only given hopes? Don't worry about the Sindhis. They are doing fine and have turned their erstwhile hosts into refugees now. You can't use DDT against the Sindhis so they grow and multiply fast. SHEEL C. JAIN (Delhi) Are women really the source of inspiration? Yes, they drive you to work to pay the grocer, the milkman, the servants, the landlord, the dhobi-e etc. A. N. SHIKHARE (Bombay) What is the last refuge of a defeated politician? A defeated Congressman becomes a Socialist. A defeated Socialist becomes a Communist. After that there is no defeat. Every one becomes a Stalin. What is the result of morality going out of politics? We get prohibition laws, anti-bigamy laws and other vindictive and pseudo-moralistic measures. The morality of politics lies in combining the largest measure of freedom to the individual with the least amount of interference from the State. MAD AN SURAJ SOLANKI (Jodhpur) Is garlanding a proof of real greatness? Creatness of heart of the man who garlands, seeing that those who are garlanded so often turn out to be narrow-minded bigots. A. ABDULLAH (Dibrugarh) I saw Suraiya in "Omar Khayam". She is so ugly? Don't say it loudly. Her producers will hear. SUSHIL KUMAR (Hyderabad Dn.) Can we call death our own? You need not be unnecessarily affectionate because death won t disown you. What is a virtuous woman to her husband? A silent prayer for his soul! V. N. MATHUR (Delhi) Generally young girls of today desire to choose only those persons who want to become henpecked husbands. Why? Henpecked husbands are symbols of peace and harmony and never ask embarrassing questions. 22 August, 194; A. V. NARASIMHAN (Hyderabad Dn.) What is temptation? To drink whisky during complete prohibit in defiance of the State laws and doctor's ord\ What is your value in the money market? Only the man who borrows has a market va\ I live within my income. What will you do if some one sets a price on y| head? // the price is attractive I shall collect the pS and deliver the head. ANVERALI A. C. (Seconderabad Dn. ) Are you a good chaperon for girls of college gob age.'' / have no time to waste on these teenage tU Can a woman become a prophet? Every housewife is, the way she preaches. KAILASH NATH (Laskar) What is the reason for the present-day increase! crime? Politics, poverty and prohibition. The other day I saw a Sikh sitting in the barbw shop. Can you tell me why he was there? He must be reading old newspapers. What is wrong with the Congress nowadays? There is nothing right with it. The Congrs is no longer a people's organization. Should cabinet ministers always fly? It is all the same to us whether they fly r\ crawl as most of them never arrive anywhere. A. KOTESWARA RAO (Tenali) Why do people enjoy stage dramas more tltj cinemas? In a stage drama people feel the hot breathli the living artiste and the moisture of human teAi A. N. RAMACHAINDRA RAO (Madras) The world is fast passing out of the investment dj dividend stage. Why? Because too many dividends were being /?>■ to too few people and too many sweated to dv J S. S. RANE (Bombay) Why is man ambitious though he know. he? mortal ? That is precisely why he is so ambitious. > squeeze in a long career within a short span. D. D. TUNGIKAR (Hyderabad Dn.) What is polygamy? A virtue of Hindu gods but a crime of Com ress raj. Babu Rajendra Prasad is not given any minister!! post. Why? He sits up in the night and sleeps during Jsj day. The Secretariat will need an asthmatic clem to keep pace with Babu Rajendra Prasad. Do you want to improve society from within m without?