FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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FILMINDIA August, I9fo long ago not to want anything too hard; then you are not disappointed when you don't get it. So I go on appearing in technicolour musicals. The studio has to give me singing scenes — ones that won't be missed when Southern movie houses cut them out. And they always do. They even black out my name in the advertisements. I can't shake hands with a white person on the screen. And I can't play straight roles in anything but all Negro pictures. But the worst thing about 'Jim Crow' is the inconvenience. We hate driving across town to eat when there's a restaurant right round the corner. We hate having to live in a restricted neighbourhood that's miles from our work. It's just a darn nuisance. But there are more important things than restaurants". At the moment, five studios are trying to make movies with Negro themes and this says Lena Home is the best thing that has happened to her people in the last 300 years. "Hollywood has a great influence around the world. We've come a long way in the past few years. But this will do more good than anything. The intelligent people have already abandoned their racial prejudices and the unintelligent ones will also do the same if the pictures become big successes. We don't care if they practise tolerance just to be stylish. It's the results we care about". "Liberty, equality and fraternity," screams the Statue of Liberty from the Hudson Biver. The old dame must blush after what Lena Home says. BANNED! Delhi, June 27. According to a recent report, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army has issued instructions to the effect that film music should not be played on military brass bands. This was long overdue as playing silly, meaningless film songs had become a craze and the military band players were no exception to this. In the meantime, the Defence Headquarters have advertised for good martial tunes to buck up the 'Jawans'. CRY, BABY, CRY! Massachusetts, June 25. The Fine Arts Theatre in Massachusetts, U.S.A., has been furnished with a "cry room" for babies. The 54 room is sound-proof and glass-walled and mothers with crying babies can sit there in peace without having to listen to the angry comments of other filmgoers. The mothers can watch the screen through the glasswall and listen to the sound track over a public address system loud enough to be heard over the screams and screeches of several babies. This is, however, not the first of its kind in America. Memphis theatres have similar "cry balconies". But what about India? When a we going to give our little pipers "cry room"? To keep pace w our speed of production, we sh have to set apart several theatres 1 the piping brats. FESTIVAL OF FILMS! Edinburgh, July 15. The third International Festn of Documentary Films will be he at Edinburgh from August 21st September 11th. The festival is n< NOW READY FOR RELEASE