FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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mgust, 1949 FILMINDI A i. They wanted more films deal; with craftsmanship, religion or >se based on children's books, ivel films, educational and docuntary films and films on nature ,re liked. .'ilms showing drunken brawls, ture, war atrocities and destrucn of human life and property were liked. Such films like "No Or;ds", "Forever Amber". "BrighRock" and many 'westerns' were fisidered unsuitable for children. the other hand, Mickey Mouse a "Henry V" were considered as ng just the sort of thing for ldren. It is high time Indian children ealso prevented from seeing horror j gangster films and the morbid fines we see so often in Hollywood :tures. ART AND COMMUNISM: Washington, June 15. With Communism spreading far a wide, it is not surprising to find eral film stars being connected h the Communist party. Hie Federal Bureau of Investigan received information saying that •llywood actors Frederic March, ■ward G. Robinson and eight other ^sonalities were members of the tnmunist party. How about hauling up Indian film istes who get mixed up with Comnism instead of confining themIves to art? Balraj Sahani is aldy in jail but there are more. MORARJI LEFT BEHIND! Nagpur. June 20. \n amendment proposed by the Government to the C.P. and rar Entertainment Duty Act. kes it obligatory on the part ol ema managements to pay the ertainment tax on concession nets also. Hie proposed amendment reads: he proprietor may admit any peril to an entertainment at a concesn rate subject to the condition t the proprietor would be liable pay the same amount of entertainnt duty as would be payable had holder of the concession been nitted on full payment to the >s to which he is entitled.' Vnother amendment to the Fnterunents Duty Act says that complibtary tickets issued to members o the families of the proprietor. distributor and owner of the film will be exempt from entertainment tax. The maximum number for exemption under this class has been fixed at 3% of the total seats provided in the class to which they are admitted. On all other complimentary tickets, the managements have to pay entertainment tax. The C.P. Government seems to be stealing a march on Minister Morarji Desai. MUSICAL fair: Benares. June 17. The All-India \ ikram Parishad is holding an "international musical and theatrical fair'' in Benares in December in memory of King \ ikramaditya of L jjain. Mr. Sampurnanand. Education and Labour minister of L.P. has invited different artists, musicians, dancers from all over the world through their respective foreign embassies in India. The Parishad is 6 years old and was founded by the late Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya. founder of the Benares Lnhersity. The Parishad should, at least, serve as an incentive to our ever lethargic Ministrv of Information and Broadcasting by presenting something attractive at the fair. THE FREE IRISH! Dublin, June 15. At Dublin. Mr. P. Mc Gilligan. Minister for Finance, announced in his budget speech, the removal of all import duties on newsreels and also the complete exemption from entertainment taxes on motion picture admissions in areas where the population is less than 500. The measures came into force from June 1st onwards. This will cost the Irish government about Rs. 400.000jannually. In India, the government is literally Heecing the film industry by levying new taxes every day. MORARJT'S JATWALLA! Bombay, June 14. Thakorbhai H. Desai. proprietor of Goodwin Pictures Corporation. Bangalore, was arrested in Bombay for alleged breach of the order against serving food to more than 24 persons. R A M T I R T H BR AH MI OIL ( SPECIAL No 1 ) • ENDS BALDNESS • REMOVES GRAY HAIR • INCREASES MEMORY • STOPS FALLING HAIR • ENSURES EYESIGHT • IMPARTS SOUND SLEEP • USEFUL TO EVERYBODY in all Seasons Rs. 3 8 Big Bottle— Rs. 2< Small Bottle. (Sold Everywhere). Send If. O. for Rs 5/5/ for Big B >ttle and Rs. 3/7/ for Small BottU (ineluding postage and packing charges) as no V.P.P. is sent. Ml I V *t I 1 1 I K yOGASHCAH, BOMBAY 4, 57