FilmIndia (Feb-Dec 1949)

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December, 1949 KUMARI P. M. BAILEY (Meerut) When a young girl is in love with a youth, she even worships his shadow. Why? That is the trouble with love — too much of shadow hunting. If you are offered the choice between an interview with Shri Morarji Desai or the music of Sushila Rani, what would you choose? / would prefer music to a lecture. H. NAGESHA RAO MANAY (Madras) Some men close their eyes and dream; others open their eyes and hope. To what category do you belong? / open my eyes and see my dream taking shape and then I close them and hope my fellowmen won't ruin my dream. What is one grey hair in the head of a beautiful woman? It is the dawn of her soul as the mother of man. How do you feel when you listen to the late Saigal's songs? What the dead sing is always music. India, Pakistan and Afghanistan — don't you think that these countries will make history? Yes, they will as forge and field for the hammer and sickle. K. GANESH (Bombay) Who is earning more these days, the producer, the distributor, the star or Mr. Patel? Please for Cod's sake speak the truth? The Government and that is God's truth. H. D. JAYASENA (Malugama, Ceylon) If you were my father on his death-bed (which God forbid!), at this very moment, what advice would you give me? Look up, son, for guidance and you will never have to look down in this world. A. B. NATESAN (Chittoor) What is the son of our Deputy premier Mr. Patel doing? fie is a municipal corporator, company promoter and newspaper magnate. His name is Dahyabhai which means a "wise brother'. He is wise, brother, to establish himself well before Papa's heart gets the better of him. P. K. KUNJU MOIDU (Fort Cochin) Is Cod a belief or a hope? He is Faith, the Healer of all woes. S. D. SHUKLA (Kanpur) How do you react to a female smile? // the face is good and the teeth are nice I admire the smile. To be effective even a smile needs a good setting in this world of showmanship. CHAM AN L. SETHI (Saugor) What are the equipments of a professional beggar9 The conscience and generosity of the almsgiver. FILMINDIA What is the poor pedestrian to do? He can get under a car and be a poor corpse. Muslims are happier in the Indian Dominion or in Pakistan ? In India. The new Republic will be a Kingdom of Allah with Nehru as the first Caliph. If you don't believe me read the latest Evacuee Ordinance. A. G. KRISHNA (Rajahmundry) What does every husband expect from his wife daily? Smile and silence! The rest she provides without any effort. M. J. NANAYYA (Bangalore) Is Nargis pessimistic by nature? No one can remain pessimistic in Raj Kapoor's company. That boy's bubbling enthusiasm will brighten up the dead. D. NATARAJAN (Poona) What do you think of our ministers disguising themselves? They should assume their previous disguise if they wish to win the next election. Names of popular movie stars have already been exploited by race horse owners. What about naming some after our popular ministers? Not unless we have mule and donkey races. C. MADHAVA RAO (Visakhapatnam) Once you told that Manu Subedar is constructing the Liberty. Now you say Habib Hussein sold his Liberty Cinema to Mehboob. How come? Manu got the land, the license and the materials. Habib borrowed the money and built the theatre protected by Manu's magic wand. Now Habib has turned the theatre into a negotiable commodity with weekly fluctuations. Mehboob has been thrown out of the deal recently. MANU G. BHAGAT (Bombay) Is America a land of women's opportunity? Yes, to exploit men. Why do some women beat their breasts while mourning their dead? To wake up their heart and induce it to shed some tears. Is life an art or a science? It is both — art in distress and science in success. B. SURYA RAO (Khargpur) W hen do sinners pray to God? When their sins become painful. A. S. NAIDU (Secunderabad Dn.) Can you guess the age of the person from the type of questions he puts to you ? Your mental age is 12. I don't worry about the physical age as all bearded goats are not our educational ministers. 31