Film-Lovers Annual (1933)

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part he has ever played called for his skill with the racket. Nobody has ever seen John Boles on a bicycle in a screen production, but he is one of Hollywood’s best-known wheelmen. He does ten miles a day on his “bike" in order to keep fit. Janet Gaynor can give perfect imitations of stage and screen celebrities. She is a natural mimic, but her art in this direction is confined to her own drawing-room. Sally Eilers is an expert airwoman, Alexander Kirkland is a gifted painter in oils, Elissa Landi is an expert horsewoman, Boots Mallory is skilled in sketching, El Brendel is a fancy skater on ice or roller skates, Victor Jory is an exchampion boxer and wrestler, James Dunn has a splendid singing voice, and so on down the line, but no picture has ever shown these separate gifts. George O’Brien is one exception to the rule. Wallace Beery, seen here with Myma Loy, who could always keep the wolf from the door as an illustrator, learned to be "tough" in his early days as an elephant trainer in a circus. He is a crack shot, an expert horseman and an ex-champion boxer. In nearly every picture in which he has played a role he has been called upon to shoot, fight and give a demonstration of his horsemanship. Charles Farrell is one of the best amateur tennis players in California. In real life, as on the screen, George O'Brien is an expert horseman, a crack shot and a formidable boxer. 94