The Film Mercury (1926-27)

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V Page Two THE FILM MERCURY, FRIDAY, M \RCH 26, 1926 Hollywood, Calif. ijiimiiiiiiiiimimiiimimmmmn | Tamar Lane | fuiiiiiiimniiiimiiiiiiiKimiiiimiT (Continued from Page 1) fine are the predominent qualities of those who are looked upon as leaders, where incompetence and inefficiency are regarded virtues and bring rich reward. INFERIOR FILMS But “The Big Parade,” “The Ten Commandments,” and “The Iron Horse” draw forth a tumult of applause and bravos, and halos are placed above the brows of their makers. It is not to be insinuated that “The Big Paiade,” “The Ten Commandments,” and “The Iron Horse” are without merit and undeserving of commendations fi-om many angles, but none of these productions is to be compared with “The Tower of Lies” as a photogi’aphic achievement of impoi’tance. . Neither is “The Big Parade” to be compared with Vidor’s own production of a season or two ago, “Wild Oranges,” another photoplay gem which also slipped silently and unappreciated into oblivion. SIZE VS. QUALITY Such films as “The Big Parade,” “The Ten Commandment,” and “The Iron Horse” win acclaim chiefly because of their magnitude and lavishness. Quantity has ever been given precedence over quality in the film business. It has long been evident that the men at the helm of the film industry are totally incapable of recognizing real merit, even if it were pre BEAUMONT ASSIGNED TO DIRECT FOX PICTURE Harry Baumont has been assigned to direct the screen version of the Harold McGrath story, ‘You Can’t Always Tell,’ for William Fox. * * * F. N. BUYS BIRO STORY First National has purchased the screen rights to “The Leginnary,” by Ludwig Biro. sented to them through the lens of the giant telescope of the observatory on Mt. Wilson, and it is rapidly becoming apparent that our photoplay critics are just as inadequate. “The Tower of Lies” is sheer, human drama, sincerely and powerfully depicted, beautifully and artistically executed. It carries mood, feeling and symbolism as no other film has done, perhaps, with the exception of “Peter Pan.” Its only mar is the false and sugarcoated ending which has been tacked on for the benefit of the fatuous American public. It is apparent, however, to the intelligent observer that Seastrom intended the stoi'y to end with the drowning of the father. CHANEY’S BEST Let it also here be said that Chaney gives in “The Tower of Lies” his finest contribution to screen acting. A studied, forceful and well-shaded portrayal of a very difficult role, not merely a performance relying for effectiveness chiefly upon trick make-up. Seastrom may produce many films that will be more successful than “The Tower of Lies,” but he will never produce one more deserving of success. iiiiiiiNimimiminimnmcmEiiiiHiimiiHmm’itimninijmimsiiiiiiHiSjj IlJNITED COSTUMERS! | INC. 1 6248 Santa Monica Boulevard ~ GLadsfone 3126 GLadstone 3127 — miiiimiiiimimmmHiniimmiimmiiiEiiimiimimmimimiiiiimiiiiiT Lesser Withdrawal Puzzles Industry There is much speculation in film circles regarding the reasons for Sol Lesser’s sudden withdrawal from the picture game. Not only has Lesser sold out his interest in the exhibiting end of the business, but he is also understood to have disposed of his interest in production. It was reported two or three months ago that Lesser planned a series of big films, but apparently he has dropped these plans. The film industry is at a loss to understand why Lesser, after spending years building up a name and reputation in the picture game, should abruptly desert the business and lose the prestige which it has taken him so long to acquire. Perhaps Lesser has some other plans. But, anyway, it would make interesting reading to hear the real reasons for Lesser’s sudden withdrawal. * * * Claim Wrigley Also Interested in F.B.O. (Continued from page 1) has been anxious to get into the film game for quite some time, and it is understood that he will back F. B. 0. to the extent of millions. SECOND “LA BOHEME” TO BE DISTRIBUTED In addition to the M.-G.-M. production of “La Boheme” made in this country with Lillian C ish as star and which is now unning at the Embassy Theatre in New York, another version of this story, based on the newel by Henri Murger, has made its appearance on the American market. The film was produced by the National Film Corporation of Berlin and stars Maria Jacobini, a European film star. This version of the famous opera is being distributed in this country by the La Boheme Film Company in New York City. * * * Robert Graves has been signed for Larry Semon’s latest comedy, “Spuds,” now in production at the F. B. 0. studios. THEATRE | TICKETS AND FOR ALL EVENTS Phone GL. 7001 WE DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR 6406 Hollywood Boulevard At Cahuenga miiiiiimimimiiiiimiiimmimmimiisimmiiiniiLiiinmiinnismiism | What Have I Done? | 1 WELL, HAVE YOU READ THE | | BOX OFFICE REPORTS ON— 1 “THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD?” | | —AND IT’S AN ORIGINAL | | ROBERT LOR1' ’ 1 YES, ' 1 ; h y iiiiiiiiiiimimiiiin mm/ I r