The Film Mercury (1926-27)

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VERITAS ‘0 the FILM Cents News , Reviews , Opinions V INC IT MERCVRY Published Every Friday Cents Vol. 3. No. 21. Sixteen Pages. Hollywood, California FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1926 Mercury Publishing Co. Hollywood, Calif. WALL ST. GETTING HOLD ON MOVIES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM WWT • rw f I Tamar I Warners to Quit theatre Uame L SSS£ ! FOREIGN DIRECTOR GETS IN BAD IN EXPLANATION Many persons wonder why the writer of this column does not mingle more socially with the film colony. There are various reasons. One of them is that the writer hates to disappoint his readers. Somehow or other, those who read the writings of a critic who is in the habit of speaking candidly upon matters conjure up false impressions in regard to the kind of individual he must be. Because he writes forcefully and perhaps, at times, violently they expect him to be just as violent when they meet him in person. EXPECT FIREWORKS Upon being introduced at various functions, I have at times noticed a sudden silence and apprehension come over many in the gathering. It seems as though they expect the writer to stride into the room with a flurry of dramatics, look piercingly about the . crowd, and then, upon seeing certain individuals, shout out belligerently: “So you’re the man who directed that big hunk of cheese, “Married But No Wife!” For two cents, I’d knock your block off. Take that, you big stiff. “And as for you, Harold Stacomb, — I see you hiding behind that chair. What do you mean by posing as an actor, you blanket y-blank-blank barncontinued on Page 2) Foreign Director in Studio Mixup It has been gratifying to note that, with hardly a single exception, all of the directors and screen celebrities who have come to this country from foreign shores have conducted themselves professionally with great dignity and decorum. In fact, their personalities and general demeanor about the studios have been above reproach. It is therefore regrettable to hear of a very unpleasant incident which occurred a few days ago at one of the big studios, wherein a certain foreign director, who recently came to Hollywood, became involved in an eposide which not only reflects upon his own character, but is also somewhat embarrassing to his countrymen. This director was fortunate in getting out of the situation so easily, largely because he was protected by a certain young official in the studio who was seeking to protect his own production interests. Any further professional misconduct on the part of the newly-arrived megaphone wielder, however, will undoubtedly develop into more serious consequences. * * * Zittel Plans Sunday Paper New York. — Carl F. Zittel, publisher of “Zit’s Weekly,” will start the New York Sunday Leader, a 12-page weekly, Sunday. Warners to Devote Energies to Films Warner Brothers will not build their theatre on Hollywood boulevard and will not attempt to build anywhere else, it now develops. They may not even lease theatres, according to the latest report. Some claim that the Warner Brothers have been used as a buffer by the higher-ups. The announced intention of building cinema palaces in all key cities was to offset the others. Warner pictures will be played in some of the larger theatre circuits in the future, it is understood, due largely to the influence of the new financial shift that was recently made in the company. The announcement from Warners that they are cutting down on their releases this year from 40 to approximately 20, also indicates that the company is going to return to its former policy of fewer pictures but of bigger caliber. The new backing secured by the Warners a few weeks ago seems to have put them on easy street, temporarily at least, for the studio is going ahead rapidly on production plans. It is reported that by the new deal Goldman, Sachs & Co., New York bankers, assume a more dominating position over the affairs of the company, while Motley Flint’s powers have been curtailed. Big Firms Being Welded Together A working agreement seems to have been affected between the “powers that be” of motion pictures and the lesser lights of the industry. It is not improbable that Famous Players may curtail production and open their hearts and theatre’s for the product of others, Warners being among the selected few. The day is not far distant when Paramount-Famous Players-Lasky may be solely a distributing and exhibiting organization, with production in the hands of others, Paramount selecting what they want from the best in the market. The move would be advantageous to Paramount. Millions now tied up in celluloid would be released for theatre building purposes. The scheme would curtail anti-trust propaganda as well. Famous Players-Lasky need not lose their identity if the arrangement is affected for it is a simple matter to affix the brand on a picture of their choice. With the admittance of F. B. 0. into the Hays organization the hand of Zukor is apparent. F. B. 0. in some manner is part and parcel of an agreement as yet incognito. First National and United Artists are both said to be dominated by Famous PlayersLasky. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (Continued on Page 2) “Ben” Grauman vs. “Ben Hur”