The Film Mercury (1926-27)

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Hollywood, Calif. THE FILM MERCURY, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1926 Page Five ft Ben Grauman vs. “Ben Hur If, Syd Grauman (or is it SID Grauman? Somehow or other we can never get his name right. Perhaps it would be better to call him “Ben” Grauman, as he is now popularly known by that name) fails to secure “Ben Hur” for his Hollywood Egyptian theatre, it will mean considerable loss of prestige for the Los Angeles impressario. If the stories are true regarding Abe Erlanger’s independent and indifferent attitude as to whether or not Grauman handles the Los Angeles presentation of “Ben Hur,” then it must have been considerable of a shock to Grauman’s wellknown estimation of his own importance in the film industry. We can just picture Mr. Abe Erlanger, one of America’s greatest showmen and an outstanding figure in the international theatrical field for over a quarter century, confronted with a young movie impressario of but a few year* experience — confined largely to local operations — who is trying to impress him with the fact that the success of “Ben Hur” as a Los Angeles film offering may depend entirely upon said young impressario’* high-falutin’ presentation and prologue. Relying upon our imagination, we can further picture Mr. Abe Erlanger replying: " 'Ben Hur’ has been a success for over twenty years without the aid of any "priesentations” or “prologues.” Strangely enough 'Ben Hur’ as a film has been highly successful in New York, without any announcements to the effect that the program was staged under the personal supervision of Syd Grauman. Considering this, it is just possible that 'Ben Hur’ may be able to attract Los Angeles’ theatregoers in spite of the fact that Syd Grauman has had nothing to do with its presentation.. "Furthermore, I would like you to understand, young man, that 1 am not averse to a little publicity myself. After having been associated with this famous play for many years, I do not relish the possibility of reading such announcements as: SYD GRAUMAN offers “A Night in the Holy Land” Wondrous prologue supervised by SYD GRAUMAN Special Musical Offering SYD GRAUMAN’S Jerusalem Jazz Band Personally conducted by SYD GRAUMAN Also SYD GRAUMAN offers “BEN HUR” Screen version of the Erlanger stage success “The film industry will, no doubt sympathize with Mr. Erlanger and agree with him in his attitude in the matter. There is only one thing that Mr. Erlanger has overlooked. He will never have the satisfaction of viewing a lot of 24-sheet boards along Los Angeles’ higfaWays, reading: 1 “ ‘BEN HUR’ — the greatest picture I have ever seen.” (Signed) SYD GRAUMAN. — T. L. FIRST NAT. SIGNS FOREIGN DIRECTOR First National has placed under co’itract, Alexander Korda, . German director, at present with UFA. Gorda is expected to come to this country July 1, to start work on his first American production. * * * ALICE CALHOUN WON’T RE-SIGN Alice Calhoun’s contract with Warner Brothers expires May 5. It is reported that she will not renew her contract. * * * PAULINE FREDERICK STARTS AT F. B. O. Production has started at the F. B. 0. studios, on “Her Honor the Governor,” with Pauline Frederick in the title role. The supporting includes Carrol Nye, Greta Von Rue, Thomas Santschi, Stanton Heck, Boris Karloff and Charles McHugh. * * * BONOMO TO PLAY IN VIDOR FILM Joe Bonomo is playing a role in “Love, the Magician,” Florence Vidor’s first Paramount starring vehicle. * * * N. Y. STAGE ACTRESS JOINS MOVIE COLONY Ruby Blackburn, New York stage actress, who appeared for several seasons’s in “The Last Warning,” is the latest stage player to join the local movie colony. * * * ROCK TO PRODUCE KIDDIE COMEDIES Joe Rock is to produce a series of two-reel comedies, featuring kiddies. The series will be distributed by Bray, Inc. Half of each comedy will be in cartoon and the rest of the comedy will be acted by kiddies. BROTHER OF LANGDON JOINS “THE YES MAN” The latest addition to the staff preparing “The Yes Man,” Harry Langdon’s next First National production, is James Langdon, brother of the cOmr edy star. Langdon’s brother’ will act in the capacity of comedy constructor. UNIV. PLANS BIG COMEDY SCHEDULE Universal is planning a heavy Comedy schedule for the com-’ ing season. Fifty-two comedies will be produced for the coming year. Arthur Lake will be starred in thirteen “Sweet Sixteen” comedies, under the direction of George Summerville; Charles Puffy will make thirteen. Another series of thirteen will feature “Slim” Summerville and “Fanny,” the educated mule. The other thirteen comedies will feature other comedians. Scott Darling will supervise the production of these comedies. Eugene DeRue, Marcel Perez, Frederick Spencer and Charles Diltz will assist in writing the comedies. Scientific Hair Growing — Corporation — ALICE WARD 6308 Selma Ave. Across from Lasky Studio GRanite 4597 MEN’S LADIES’ Barber SHOPS Beauty SCREEN FINDS Sally O’Neil Gilbert Roland Don Alvarado Barbara Worth Lotus Thompson Nina Matleva Audrey Ferris IVAN KAHN Hollywood News Bldg. GRanite 7284 M m as m Jones & Barnes Hollywood’s Shop For Men 6507 Hollywood Boulevard at Wilcox i (?, 1b GEORGE WEST HERE George West, Eastern representative for West Brothers Productions, has arrived from New York to confer with his brother, Billy West, on the production schedule. The West Brothers are producing three series of two-reel comedies based on comic strips. We Duplicate Your Script, No Matter How Many Pages or How Many Copies In 8 Ho urs Wright’s Stenographic Studio HEmpstead 6812 417 Taft Building