The Film Mercury (1926-27)

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Vol. 3. No. 22. Published 1926 by The Mercury Publishing Company News, Reviews, Opinions THE FILMf PHMERCVRY Published Every Frida* Offices: 620 Taft Bldg., Hollywood Blvd. at Vine St., Hollywood, Cal. Phone Hollywood 5583 TAMAR LANE, E. M. McCray, Mercury Publishing Company, Editor Business Manager. Publisher Subscription Rates: $S for 62 issues; 92 for 26 issues, anywhere in Mercury Publishing Company will not be responsible for unsolicited the United States and its Possessions. 26% surcharge on Canadian i 8 manuscripts, letters or photographs and all such material is received subscription. 60% surcharge on Foreign subscriptions. at the sender's risk. FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1926 Producers claim that players who have sex appeal boast the best box office value, and are the most talked about. ..Who is more widely discussed than Farina? In the last ‘Our Gang’ picture it seemed to me she can be added to the small list of actors who have “it.” People still talk of the old Mack Sennett comedies, the freshness and originality of them. Compraing them to the Sennett comedies I have seen in the past year, I wonder at the lack of vanity of that once great producer Mack Sennett. Surely pride in the trade-mark of his name should compel him to keep his product up to a certain standard. As punishment for allowing his once respected work to become what it is, he should be forced to sit thru some of his recent releases. Pretty soon we expect to read that some film celebrity has bought the city of Seven Hills, where he is going to build a home ; The story will no doubt further state that the new home will have 200 rooms, a Roman amphitheatre. Besides swimming pools and tennis courts, he will build a baseball and football arena. The Los Angeles river will run thru his grounds, and steamships as large as the Leviathan will transport the guests from the house to the stables, a distance of 900 miles. Writers, like all humans, act in cycles and have the herd instinct. When a star or director is at his peak, most of the pen-wielders do not dare to be the first to admit the idol like all mortals is not perfect. But when one writer finds courage rr METRO-GOLDWYNMAYER Denver, Colo. April 22, 1926. The Film Mercury, Hollywood, Calif. Gentlemen: We would appreciate your mailing us 12 copie* of your issue of April 2nd. Kindly send invoice at the same time and we will mail you check by return mail. Very truly yours, GEORGE WYGANT, Assistant Mgr. FISCHER THEATRES Madison, Wis. April 22, 1926. The Mercury Pub. Co., Hollywood, Calif. Gentlemen: Enclosed you will find a check for $2.00, the subscription rate for 26 issues of your magazine. The Film Mercury. Kindly mail this magazine to Fischer’s Majestic Theatre, Madison, Wis. Yours truly, A. L. HICKS. — j to point to a flaw, an avalanche of suppressed opinions are set loose on the celebrity who has heretofore received flattery. The result being, the person who previously was overpraised is unfairly condemned. A few years ago no writer would criticise Griffith, Mary Pickford, Cecil DeMille and others who were at the top of the ladder. But once a reviewer had pointed to errors that D. W. and Cecil DeMille had made the others bravely followed suit, not knowing when to stop. At present Gloria Swanson seems to be the butt of screen writers. Now that the war rage has passed we are apparently about to be deluged with circus pictures. GEST TO PRODUCE FOR UNITED ARTISTS Morris Gest, the stage producer, has been signed by United Artists, to produce pictures for release by U. A. Gent’s first film production will be “The Darling of the Gods,” David Belasco’s stage play. * * * CHARACTER ACTOR IN FORD PRODUCTION Richard Lewis, character actor, is playing a role in Francis Ford’s production, “Salvaged,” which Ford is directing at the California studios. ♦ * * ARLETTE MARCHAL IN NEILAN PRODUCTION Arlette Marchal has been signed by Marshall Neilan for a role in “Diplomacy,” which he will direct for Famous Players-Lasky. * * * The contract of Edmund Burns, leading man for the Cecil B. DeMille studios, has been extended by that organization. HUNGARIAN WRITER NOW IN PICTURES Imre Fazekas (pronounced Fah-zee-kosh) , Hungarian author of “Altona,” “Madonna” and other plays to be produced in New York next fall, is now under contract to Universal, for whom he has been engaged to write three original photodramas. His first, “Moscow,” a tale with a Russian background, is to be a super-Jewel, probably a Mary Philbin starring vehicle. * * * HAMILTON TO APPEAR WITH BLANCHE SWEET Neil Hamilton has been selected to play the leading male role opposite Blanche Sweet in “Diplomacy,” which Marshall Neilan will direct. * * * ANNA Q. IS ASSIGNED NEW F. N. PRODUCTION Anna Q. Nilsson will play the feminine lead in the First National production, “Collusion,” from the story by J. E. Harold Terry. Lewis Stone will be featured with Miss Nilsson. IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII fOU should be receiving THE FILM MERCURY every week by mail. 26 weeks for $2.00 and 52 weeks for $3.00. Mail the coupon below NOW, before you misplace or forget it. THE FILM MERCURY, 619-620 Taft Bldg., HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. Enclosed find Jf.OO for 26 weeks subscription $3.00 for 52 weeks r to THE FILM MERCURY, to be sent to Name Address City f I [ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1| 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i7