The Film Mercury (1926-27)

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THE FILM MERCURY, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1926 Hollywood, Calif. Page Two jRiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiim I Tamar Lane | mi (Continued from Page 1) MR. SCHULBERG REPLIES On another page will be found a letter from B. P. Schulberg in answer to this column’s Jtecent charge that there were young players in the F. P.-L. fold who were not being effectively developed. After reading the list of “young players” presented by JUr. Schulberg in his letter, we f^il to see how his reply is an answer. We might also suggest that Mr. Schulberg take another look at the Lasky payroll. Apparently there are young players in his organization of which he knows nothing about. , r< or. ART IN PHOTOGRAPHY FOR PROFESSIONALS CASTING AND FAN STUDIES HAL KANE ARGUMENTS HAVE COLONY GUESSING Much curiosity has been aroused in the film colony as to the authorship of the “Hal Kane Arguments” that have been appearing on the back page of The Film Mercury for several weeks past. These “arguments” are not being written by the editor of The Film Mercury, as many suppose, or by any other writer on the staff. They are contributed by an outside advertiser and paid for in cold cash. His exact identity, however, must remain a secret. * * * MONTAGNE TO TAKE NEW YORK TRIP Edward J. Montagne, supervising scenario editor for Universal, will shortly take a trip to New York to look over plays and story material for future “U” production, according to report. * * * TECHNICAL MAN ENGAGED Colonel G. L. McDonnell has been engaged as technical assistant to Sidney Olcott on the production of “The Amateur Gentleman,” Richard Barthel mess’ latest starring vehicle. * * * VAUDEVILLE PLAYER SIGNED BY HAL ROACH Ted Healey, vaudeville player, has been signed to appear in a Hal Roach comedy. /?'■■■■ —A Malcolm Stuart Boylan — Has signed a contract with the William Fox Studios to title ten feature productions in the coming year. — At the same time retaining his status as a free-lance writer. Management THE EDWARD SMALL COMPANY GRanite 1166 Culver City 3016 Brandon Hurst Now in “THE AMATEUR GENTLEMAN” Has just had his roadster refinished by the Great Western Duco Refinishing Co. GLadstone 5003 5600 Sunset Boulevard WANT STORIES The Joe Rock Company is embarking upon a series of feature length dramas — not comedies— and is in the market for some good stories. It is not necessary that they be published works, so long as they are from the pen of recognized writers and scenarists. * * * W it son to Succeed Pat Powers , Report (Continued from Page 1.) headquarters and Associated Studios seem to be the only individual studio now available. A deal may be concluded between Pbwers and Pathe. SCHROEDER AND GREEN COMPLETE TITLING Doris Schroeder and George Green have just completed the titling of “The Jade Cup” for F. B. 0. SCREEN FINDS 1925 Sally O’Neill (M-G-M) Don Alvarado (Warner Brs.) Gilbert Roland (Lasky) 1926 Barbara Worth (Universal) NOW WATCH Lotus Thompson Nina Matleva Audrey Ferris IVAN KAHN Hollywood News Bldg. GRanite 7284 The Idea Wins The great Screen Library Service idea, conceived and put into operation August 13, 1925, by Brooks B. Harding, is generally admitted as the GREATEST CASTING SERVICE EVER INSTITUTED. IT WINS for artist, manager, producer and director and it will win for you. Make your films available through the industry’s screen librarians. Screen Library Service, Inc. GLadstone 2064 1606 N. Highland Ave. MOTION PICTURE EXECUTIVE Wants connection; practical experience production, studio, business, financial and releasing management. WM. LA PLANTE GLadstone 6914 224 Guaranty Building v ... —V ORIGINAL PLAYS WANTED Lawrence Marsh Co., Play Brokers 322 Taft Building. GLadstone 5052 FOR COURTEOUS CAB SERVICE \ DOW TAXI GLadstone j HOTEL PLAZA ♦♦♦ 2121