The Film Mercury (1926-27)

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Page Fourteen THE FILM MERCURY, FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1926 Hollywood, Calif. Fred Myton Originals and Continuities Produced 1925-1926 ‘Parisian Nights” ‘Smooth as Satin” ‘Alias Mary Flynn” ‘Three Wise Crooks” ‘Flaming Waters” ‘Come On Charley” ‘‘Isle of Retribution’ ‘‘Midnight Molly” ‘‘Forbidden Cargo” “Lady Robinhood” “Broadway Lady” GLadstone 8034 Standard Directory announced last week the establishment of its FILM TEST LIBRARY As a solution to the whole vexed problem of The Film Test Where and When You Want It! That goes for Artist and Producer-Director alike — your interests are the same. When the interview reaches the stage of asking for a test, just PHONE THE STANDARD DIRECTORY This service is now available to every Artist and Producer in the business. AVAIL YOURSELF OF IT, by bringing in your tests for filing. Ask any Standard Representative, or see Mr. Hopkins at STANDARD CASTING DIRECTORY’S FILM TEST LIBRARY 616 Taft Building Hollywood, California HOlly 4192 MICKY McBAN Can “put over” that child role which requires trouping. HEmpstead 8750. -d>