The Film Mercury (1926-27)

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Hollywood, Calif. THE FILM MERCURY, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1926 Page Five! MARC CONNELLY HERE TO START AT STUDIO Marc Connelly, New York playwright, recently placed under contract to write original stories for the screen at the M-G-M studios, arrived from the East this week, to start work at the studios. a 4 a GARSON PRODUCTIONS NOW AT FINE ARTS The Harry Garson Productions have moved their production activities to the Fine Arts studios. Production has started on their latest picture, “The Wild Bull of the Campus,” featuring Lefty Flynn. The story was adapted by Gerald Duffy from the magazine story by Jack Casey. Harry Garson is directing. * * * PAULINE FREDERICK RETURNING TO STAGE Pauline Frederick has been signed by Louis 0. Macloon to appear under his management during the next several months. Miss Frederick’s first play under her new agreement with Macloon will be “Lucky Sam McCarver,” which will open at the Playhouse on Monday evening, July 12. * * * RALPH INCE TO APPEAR IN POTBOILER PLAY Ralph Ince will play the leading role in “The Bells,” to be presented at the Potboiler Art Theatre, June 16-19. * * * MET. SIGNS PLAYER ON LONG-TERM CONTRACT Arnold Gray has been signed to a long-term contract by Metropolitan Pictures. “PAL” The Wonder Dog 595-898 Story Simplicity —What Is It? By Malcolm Knight We have been asked to extend a little our article in last week’s Film Mercury on “Pictures deep enough to express simplicity.” If you can write a story as deep and yet as simple as any of the nursery rhymes that have lived down through the ages, you will have a masterpiece that will have permanency. To prove this let us symbolically analyze “Ding, Dong Bell, pussy’s in the well.” Ding dong bell of penance, pussy (humanity) is floundering. Who put her in? Little Johnnie Green (ignorance, bewilderment). Who will pull her out? Big Jack Stout (wisdom — understanding— enlightenment. Does not this little rhyme have depth? That is why it has lived. Let us take “Jack and Jill.” No relationship to either sex. Jack (positive mentality or leader) and Jill (negative mentality or follower) went up a hill (hill of life) fetching a pail of water (responsibility). Jack (leader) fell down and broke his crown (succumbed to his lower nature thus breaking his spiritual leadership and upsetting his responsibility) and Jill (follower) came tumbling after. In other words Jack fell down on the job and dragged down with him those depending upon him to lead them. To make a practical application of Jack and Jill: We do not believe she has, but, if Mrs. McPherson has fallen down on the job, she will drag down into doubt and scepticism many Jills that have been following. Now if Jill would do her own thinking when she sees Jack fall she would not go tumbling after. So if we can make a motion picture deep enough to express the simplicity of truth, as do all of our folk rhymes, legends, music, paintings, etc. that have stood the test of time, that picture will also have permanency, for in every human there is the Divine spark, however smothered it may be, all it needs is Big Jack Stout. * * * MARCIN ON M-G-M PLAY Max Marcin is completing his original screen play, “I Can Do It,” to be filmed by the M-G-M studios. Names Best and Worst Films F. H. Sumner, Indiana exhibitor, in a letter to Exhibitors’ Herald, lists the following productions as his best and worst B. O. attractions of recent months: April, 1926, best one day’s receipts, “Cowboy and the Countess.” Least one day’s receipts, “E n e m i e s of Youth.” March, 1926, best one day’s receipts, “Everlasting Whisper.” Least one day’s receipts, “Flower of the Night.” February, 1926, best one day’s receipts, “Dante’s Inferno.” least one day’s receipts,” “Speed Mad.” January, 1926, best one day’s receipts, “Durand of the Bad Lands.” Least one day’s receipts, “Go Getter.” December, 1925, best one day’s receipts, “Calgary Stampede.” Least one day’s receipts, “Graustark.” November, 1925, best one day’s receipts, “White Thunder.” Least one day’s receipts, “Lucky Devil.” October, 1925, best one day’s receipts, “Steele of the Royal Mounted.” Least one day’s receipts, ‘‘Champion of Lost Causes.” — F. H. Sumner, Paramount Theatre, Kokomo, Ind. NEW SEENA OWEN FILM FOR MET. PRODUCTIONS “Pals of Paradise” is scheduled as Seena Owen’s next vehicle for Metropolitan Pictures. DAVID HARTFORD LEAVES ON EASTERN BUSINESS David Hartford, independent producer, has left for Detroit, ' where the home office of David Hartford Productions is located. . While there he will complete arrangements for the release of his finished productions and will : also complete plans for his 1927 , program. ■ , B. R. EASON DIRECTING FRED THOMSON PICTURE B. Reeves Eason is directing, Fred Thomson in his latest F.r B. 0. starring vehicle, “The, Lone Hand.” pHOTOGI^APHy ART IN PHOTOGRAPHY FOR PROFESSIONALS CASTING AND FAN STUDIES 5821 Sunset Blvd. GLadstone 6007 Richard Thomas Studio Santa Monica and Van Ness Ave. Studio Space For Independent Producers Every Facility and Equipment of a Modern, Up-todate Studio. AGNES BRAND LEAHY WRITER ((THE DEVIL'S MASTER ” JOHN FORD PRODUCTION Now — TIFFANY PRODUCTIONS Richard Thomas Studios D Rexel 9270 ALBERT A. KIDDER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Artists, Directors and Independent Producers Exclusively GR&nite 0243 Hollywood 1223 Taft Bldg.