The Film Mercury (1926-27)

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Page Seven Hollywood, Calif. THE FILM MERCURY, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1926 Something Brewing In West Coast , Inc. It might be interesting to know just why West Coast, Inc., did not book “Stella Dallas” into their theatres, letting the exhibitors that are not members of the West Coast get it instead. For some time it has been rumored along “film row” that certain producers, especially those that are making box office hits, were not any too keen about letting West Coast Theatres have their productions. Just what the reason is we are unable to state. On the face of present aspects something radical is about to happen in this big theatre organization, and it is said that the recent convention, which most of the exhibitors of the country attended, flatly told First National that they were not one bit excited over the idea of booking “westerns” as a first run proposition, and that F. N. is somewhat worried as a result. * * * GERMAN DIRECTOR TO ARRIVE HERE JULY 10 F. W. Murnau, German director, is leaving Europe June 23, and is scheduled to arrive in Hollywood July 10, to start production on his first American film, which will be Herman Suderman’s novel, “The Trip to Tilsit,” to be directed for Fox Films. THEATRE TICKETS AND FOR ALL EVENTS Phone GL. 7001 WE DELIVER TO YOUR DOOR 6406 Hollywood Boulevard At Cahuenga Charges Theft of Patent Rights Charging that eight motion picture companies have deprived him of legal use of a patented “shadowgraph” device, Pierre Artigue, local inventor, filed suit in Federal Court against the picture concerns, asking an accounting and an injunction. The plaintiff declares that on April 16, 1918, he obtained a patent on a “device and screen principle for the production of backgrounds in the manufacture of motion pictures.” Four of the defendant companies are alleged to have obtained profits totaling $400,000 each by their asserted illegal use of the patented shadowgraph device. These are the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation, Warner Brothers Pictures, Inc., Universal Pictures Corporation and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Corporation. Illegal profits of $250,000 each are said to have been realized by the following: Fox Motion Picture Company, Fox Film Corporation, First National Productions Corporation and First National Pictures, Inc. Artigue has filed other suits based on his patented inventions against various other concerns during the past years. The action was filed by the firm of Van Horne and DuBois and Attorney J. A. Coleman. * * * JANE NOVAK PLAYING IN TIFFANY PICTURE Jane Novak is playing the leading feminine role in ithe Tiffany .production, “Lost at Sea,” which Louis Gasnier is directing. * * * WILLIAM BOYD RE-SIGNS WITH CECIL B. DE MILLE William Boyd has been signed by the Cecil B. De Mille studios on a new long-term contract. * * * SEMON TO DIRECT TWO SENNETT COMEDIES Larry Semon is to direct Alice Day in two comedies for Mack Sennett. Xhe BREAKERS CLUB —now Building at Santa Monica Included in the plans for the Breakers Club, Southern California’s Finest Beach, Social and Athletic Club, now building at Ocean Front and Marine Terrace, Santa Monica, is the great Indoor Saltwater Plunge and Kiddies’ Wading Pool. Completely tiled, and fully equipped with diving boards and platforms, this plunge will be second to none in all of Southern California. One entire end of the Plunge will be occupied by the Kiddies’ Pool, where shallow water, and the ever watchful eye of the expert swimming coach will relieve the mother from any concern for the safety of her children. A Spectators’ Gallery, to seat 500 people, is a feature. The Breakers Club has leased the corner of Seaside Terrace and Ocean Avenue, one minute’s walk from the Main Clubhouse, for the exclusive parking of members’ cars. Capacity, 1,000 cars. Use Coupon Below for Beautiful Book Printed in Many Colors. BRJC Property at Ocean Front and Marine Terrace Santa Monica -» RS CLUB j-j . Qxecutiue Offices &th Floor Spring Arcade (t Phone Tucker 8085 The all year ’round Club’ Membership Committee, 8th Floor, Spring Arcade Bldg. I can qualify for membership in the Breakers Club. Please send me your color book describing the club and its privileges. Name __ Address Phone Bus. Address.. Phone