The Film Mercury (1926-27)

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Page Fourteen THE FILM MERCURY, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1927 Hollywood, Calif. | A Ford-Hearst Film Combine? The ulterior motive behind the recent retraction by s Henry Ford of his purported attack on the Jewish people ! seems to be coming to the surface, according to deductions we have made. The possibility of a Ford-Hearst motion picture enterprise is not at all fiction. The Hearst editor, Mr. Brisbane, j is very friendly with the auto magnate and primarily responsible for Ford’s retraction, or rather apology, to the Jews for the anti-semitic articles in the Ford newspaper, The Dearborn Independent. With the entry of DuPont, Delaware money king, into both the automobile industry • via General Motors (Ford j opposition) and into the film business by their P.D.C.-Pathej De Mille affiliation, something is brewing. The DuPont people never go into anything halfway. ■ They never start a thing and fail. They always mount to f the top, and they have the millions to do it with. Furtherj more, Dupont is in the raw stock film business, and also in the I theatre owning, producing and distributing branches. No ! one knows where they will stop. Ford realizes his greatest competitor is General Motors. He realizes that an affiliation with Hearst is a very important one. Further, Ford as a film producer would be in a position to carry a message around the world, where at the present he is limited to the printed word. Ford is not new to the film business. For some years he produced and distributed his own film weekly and has always kept abreast of the business. It is understood that an important M-G-M executive may be included in the Ford film venture, should it come to pass. i i i 1 i i I +"■ Ford naturally would want to make his film productions in Detroit, if he goes into the business. He would outfit one of his large establishments in the Michigan city for the purpose, and run the studio and production scheme with Ford system, establishing a film municipality of his own. In this way he could keep check on everything. It has been reported for some time that Hearst is not over satisfied with the progress he has made in the film business in the past and if Ford and Hearst affiliate there are going to be fire works popping. It is also known that the film executive linked with the plan has had his hands full holding his position at the M-G-M studio because of opposition on the part of others in the organization. A year ago The Film Mercury reported that Ford might return to the film business, but at that time conditions were not just right for the move. It is a different story today. In fact it may be necessary and vitally important for him to J come in. Universal Purchases Arthur Gregor Story “Phyllis of the Follies,” an original screen story by Arthur Gregor, has been purchased by Universal as material for a forthcoming Jewel production. Gregor, who divides his time between writing and directing, is known in the film industry for his direction of “The Count of Luxemburg,” a leading box office attraction. Old Western Star Returns to Pictures Neal Hart, Western star, who has been out of pictures for two years, has started production on a super-serial with the Wyoming cattle country as his colorful back ground. Lucille Irwin was signed as his leading lady and left this week for a two month’s location trip throughout Wyoming and Colorado. New Roxy Financing Of $2,000,000 Planned New York — While details have not been completed, essential terms have been agreed upon for issuance of a six per cent note issue of $2,000,000 or more by the Roxy Theatre Corp., to fund a deficit of less than that amount resulting from construction of the Roxy. Financing, it is stated, might be followed by payment of cash dividends on the Class A stock. Original deficit from the building construction was close to $2,000,000, but that figure has been reduced bv around $500,000, so that the corporation is concerned only with funding $1,500,000 of the obligation. The financing is expected, however, to be considerably more than that, since the corporation management has in mind other plans requiring funds, including inauguration of dividends on the Class A stock. * * * Greyhound Racing in Films London. — Widgey R. Newman will produce a series of six one reelers based on the greyhound racing. Jane W inton Playing In Davies Production Jane Winton is playing a role in “The Fair Co-Ed,” Marion Davies’ new starring vehicle at M-G-M. The cast includes Johnny Mack Brown, I helma Hill, Lillian Leighton and others. * * * New Story Purchased For Laura La Plante “Has Anybody Here Seen Kelly,” based on the song of that name, is the title of a story obtained by Universal to be used as a starring vehicle for Laura La Plante. * * * Conway to Direct “Bringing Up Father ” Jack Conway, M-G-M director, has been assigned to handle the megaphone on the new Cosmopolitan production based on “Bringing Up Father,” the newspaper comic strip by George McManus. • • • Jules Raucourt Signs For F.B.O. Picture Jules Raucourt, Belgian actor, plays the heavy in “Ranger of the North,” directed by Jerome Storm for F.B.O. ALBERT A. KIDDER, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW Artists, Directors and Independent Producers Exclusively GRanite 02-13 Hollywood 1223 Taft Bldg. ATTFNTI O NM Artists of Screen and Stage “*"*■ 1 1 * IV-f 11 • • jf yOU are interested in first-class VAUDEVILLE Keith or Orpheum Circuits HARRY WEBER "Managing Only the Best” Palace Theatre Building New York City and in Los Angeles from time to time. Wire or write for appointment MONDAY, AUGUST 8th HOLLYWOOD DOLLAR DAY 'Thousand of DistlnctitiH* BftLZER iliuood (Siftjlioa 6326 H^LLywW[7-&LV[7 HVLLYWVVP-<AUF WATCH OUR WINDOWS JUST WEST OF VINE