Film and Radio Guide (Oct 1945-Jun 1946)

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Jonuory, 1946 FILM AND RADIO GUIDE 45 Naples Is a. Battlefield, Stricken Peninsula, and French Toivn. Such pictures as Power for the Highlands, Netv Buildings, and A City Rehorn all deal with peacetime projects. There are also excellent films on South Africa, New Zealand, and others from the British Commonwealth, while a new picture. The Story of D.D.T., is arousing interest both in the theatrical and 16mm fields. All British Information Services films are distributed at nominal service rates and may be obtained from Film Officers in New York, Chicago, Hollywood, San Francisco, and Washington, D. C., and from a number of British Consulates. AMPAS Film for Schools and Colleges The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is sponsoring a documentary film showing all steps in producing a piccure. Jean Hersholt, president of the Academy, has appointed Dore Schary to produce. The picture will be shown for the first time at the Academy awards ceremonies at the Chinese Theatre, Hollywood, in March, and will be supplied in 16mm to schools and colleges. Filmedia Announces "Greater Victory" in 16mm The national non-theatrical release of Greater Victory, a provocative 22-minute motion picture on inter-religious goodwill is announced by Filmedia Corp., 12 East 44th Street, New York. Produced by United Specialists, New York, the film features a dramatic cast including Louis Calhern. Limited theatrical showings introduced the film in key communities, but Sherman Price, president of Filmedia, known for his wartime releases, such as Fighting the Fire Bomb, with which he achieved a release of 1800 16mm prints and 1000 3.5mm prints, says : “The influence on public opinion of widescale non-theatrical film showings, permitting audience participation in follow-up discussions, demonstrations, and forums, far outweights the passive audience reception of theatrical showings of important films. What happens when the lights go on again is what really counts — the sooner people can discuss the ideas, hear different view-points, and in some personal way become involved in serious thoughts about the film’s message, the sooner and the more successfully they’ll put those thoughts into action.’’ Mr. Price has devised a new tool to stimulate and guide these audience-participation activities in the form of a 3 x 4 inch 40page booklet called a “Filmtext.” One of these is being released with each major film distributed through Filmedia. The “Filmtext’’ for Greater Victory opens with statements about America’s problems of inter-group unity by Supreme Court Justice Frank Murphy, Eddie Cantor, Dr. Ralph W. Sockman, Archbishop Richard J. Cushing, and Rabbi Herbert Goldstein. The introduction, by Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, President of The National Conference of Christians and Jews, which co-operated in the production of the film, says, “The fascist armies have been defeated. It now remains for us to defeat their ideas. Our weapons must be better ideas, and a better spirit. Teamwork, in peace as in war, will bring us to the Greater Victory.” Showing of the film, followed by discussions based on the Filmtext, will be held at all types of places where people meet to 35 YEARS 0 f furnishing entertainment to schools through lyceum and pictures has taught us that good service is very important. We take pride in good service as well as good pictures such as ; — Beyond Tomorrow — North Star — Prisoner of Zendo — Swiss Family Robinson and many others listed in our 1946 catalog. If you do not have your copy yet, a post card will bring it, free of course. Try Dermis Friendly Sendee DENNIS FILM BUREAU Wabash, Indiana consider serious topics of general or special interest. It is expected that over 20,000,000 people will view the film in the nontheatrical field. Preview prints of Greater Victory conveniently located in 40 major cities are available to local film libraries for private screening through Filmedia. The Play's the Thing Continued from Faye 4l that most perplexing of all plays to review — a play whose intentions are worthy but which nonetheless is an artistic fiasco. The story is of a returned soldier who has turned sour. He has turned fascist and has also grown brutal to his wife. In spite of a good theme, both execution a n d production were downright shallow. I sincerely wish the American Negro Theatre, which has just moved into its own i>ermanent headquarters, better luck in the future.