Film and Radio Guide (Oct 1945-Jun 1946)

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id TEACH-O-FILMSTRIPS To Be in Audio-Visual Education icance to Schools / The Teach-0-Filmstkip is a visual-aid and teaching tool having the following advantages: (a) It presents a carefulljorganized pictorial story along a planned continuity; (h) It is a “still” story, the use and presentation of which is controlled by the teacher, thus providing great flexibility; (c) It is excellent for detailed study and observation by pupils. Each frame can be held upon the screen during as long a period as necessary to permit pupils to absorb and understand subject presented; (d) It has such practical advantages as ease in handling, easy storage, low cost and readiness for use. . The Teach-O-Fihnstrip complements the te.xtbook and should be used in connection with textual materials. Each Teach-0, Filmstrip is organized as a self-contained teaching unit and in: eludes the basic elements of good teaching meth(xls. The principles j of motivation, concept teaching, summarization and provocative ; questioning are employed. By combining words with meaningful ; pictures, they provide direct word-picture associations so essential in teaching children. i Teach-O-Filmstrips are accompanied by teachers’ guides which i outline in detail their use as integrated classroom aids. Now Ai’ailnlile. FOUR Teach-O-Filmstrips, 35 mm., and in ’ color are now available. They are designed specifically for use in ' primary classes in reading, story telling, social studies and nature ! study. [' ]. HEIDI describes two adventures of Heidi and her friend I, Peter. In the first adventure they sjvend a lovely summer day to^ gether ; in the second they visit Peter's grandmother during a j winter day. 44 Frames. Price; $5.00. 2. FUN WITH MITZIE depicts the story of Mitzie, a black and white kitten. It shows how' a neighbor gives Betty Smith, a little girl of seven, a kitten called "Alitzie.” Betty takes the kitten home and gives her good care. Three months later, we see Mitzie as a full-grown cat and Betty playing with her, feeding her and loving' her. 41 Frames. Price: $5.00. 3. THE LOST DOG depicts the story of Tommy and his dog “Inky.” It shows Tommy losing Inky one day. Jimmy, a ^mall boy of five, and his mother find the dog and take him home. At this point the Teach-O-Filmstrip shows the proper care of I (logs. On the following day. Tommy finds where Inky is and il goes to get him. The Teach-O-Filmstri]) ends wdth the provocaI tive problem, “What will Inky do? — Will he stay with Jimmy or will he go back to Tommy?” 40 Frames. Price $5.00. 4. LET’S MAKE A POST OFFICE shows how our postal system works, illustrates the need for stamps, the role of the ] postman, where and how different types of mail pieces may he ! mailed, and the purpose of mail trucks. It suggests student activi 1 ties, and it develops cooperation by showing several children working together to make their own post office, 38 Frames. Price : $5.00. I EIGHT Teach-O-Filmstrips in black and white, 35mm.. form a 1 series designed primarily for use in social studies classes in the ‘ middle grades (4,5,6). This series is entitled Living Together In 1 The United States. 5. THE WORKERS IN OUR COUNTRY depicts the vaI riety of workers in the United .States, all working together to jirovide the goods and services that we need. Approximately 45 frames — Black and White — Price $2.50. THE STORY OF OUR FOOD 6. Part I — WHERE OUR FOOD COMES FROM explains the reasons why the United States ])roduces much food, and shows the sections of the country from which various foods come. Approximately 45 frames — Black and White — Price $2.50. 7. Part H — HOW OUR FOOD IS PRODUCED shows the many people who work together to provide our food : the people who grow our food ; the people who process our food ; the people who bring us our food ; and the people who sell us our food. Approximately 45 frames — Black and White — Price $2.5U. 8. HOW WE ARE CLOTHED illustrates how' cotton, woolen and rayon clothes are made, and -shows the workers who produce these clothes. .Apiiroximately 45 frames — Black and M'hite — Price $2.50. 9. OUR HOMES AND OUR COMMUNITIES points out and illustrates the various types of homes and communities in the United States, explains the reasons why there are so many, and show’s examples of each. Approximately 45 frames — Black and White — Price $2.50. 10. COMA-IUNICATING WITH OUR NEIGHBORS depicts the many ways we have of communicating with our friends l)y telephone, telegraph, mail, new'spaper, radio and television. Approximately 45 frames — Black and White — Price $2.50. 11. TRANSPORTATION IN OUR COUNTRY shows the varied ways w^e have of traveling in our country, Iry auttunohile, bus, boat, railroad and airplane. Approximately 45 frames — Black and White — Price $2.50. 12. OPPORTUNITIES FOR PLAY AND RECREATION IN OUR COUNTRY points out and illustrates that our lurmes, schools and communities offer opportunities for play and recreation. Approximately 45 frames — Black and White — Price $2.50. Tri-Purpose Projector For single or double-frame 35 mm. filmstrips and 2" x 2" slides. Excellent for schools, colleges and large audiences. ComI)lete wdth 5" focal length Anastigmat lens, rewind take-up, semiautomatic vertical slide changer, leatherette carrying case. .Available for immediate delivery at $76.75 — f.o.b., N. Y. ; MAIL THIS COUPON NOW i AUDIO-VISUAL DIVISION FRG 546 ■ Popular Science Publishing Co. ; 353 Fourth Avenue j ■ New York 10, New York ; Di vish to order the Teach-O-Filmstrips circled belowc ! i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ; i Dl vish to order the TriPurpose Projector. ■: : O Payment enclosed O Send C.(3.D. Q Send Bill ; : CH Send lie complete information on Teach-O-Filmstrips. i • n Send me complete information on Tri-Purpose Projector. I : NAME I i SCHOOI POSITION i i SCHOOI. \nnRFSS j CI TY ZONE STATE,