Films for classroom use (1954)

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THE GREAT HEART (MGM) 1 reel-B&W MGM Miniature Series 10 minutes Father Damien's work in the leper colony at Molokai is presented in dramatic episodes. STRANGE DESTINY (MGM) 1 reel-B&W Carey Wilson Miniature 10 minutes The inspiring story of Asa K. Jennings, a Y.M.C.A. worker, who saved 350,000 lives in the evacuation of Smyrna in 1922. LIST II THE GIANT OF NORWAY (MGM) 1 reel-B&W Passing Parade Series 11 minutes The biography of Fridtjof Nansen, Norwegian scientist and explorer, emphasizing particularly his relief work for Russia. THE GOOD EARTH (MGM) IX reels-B&W Famine Sequence 13 minutes Famine in China—migration of farmers to city. THE GOOD EARTH (MGM) 2 reels-B&W Woman Sequence 18 minutes Status of peasant women in China. SOCIAL ATTITUDES The following two films were prepared by the Intergroup Committee on Human Relations. LIST I ^ACTION AGAINST THE LAW (Paramount) 3 reels-B&W An excerpt frrom THE LAWLESS 28 minutes In this film a series of minor incidents aggravated by intergroup frictions results in an ugly crisis as misguided citizens resort to mob violence. Introductory sequences establish the atmosphere of tension existing between the people of Marta and the fruit pickers, whom they call "Cholos", on "the other side of the tracks." A group of town boys invade a fruit pickets dance, and a fight ensues. An excitable reporter exaggerates the story. In fleeing the fight, a young fruit picker startles a girl, causing her to fall and injure herself. A "sob sister" expands this incident into a case of criminal assault. A posse captures the youth. When a level-headed editor attempts to sift the facts in the interest of justice, irresponsible townspeople decide to storm the jail and lynch the youth. Only the quick action of the sheriff and the editor in smuggling him out of jail to safety, averts a terrible miscarriage of justice. ^CHARLEY MARTIN, AMERICAN (Paramount) 2 reels-B&W An excerpt from A MEDAL FOR BENNY 20 minutes The town of Pantera is startled to learn that the son of old Charley 53