Films for classroom use (1954)

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MADAME CURIE (MGM) 2 reels-B&W An excerpt from the feature photoplay 23 minutes This excerpted version of the feature photoplay tells the story of the discovery of radium by Marie and Pierre Curie. The film opens in the laboratory of Pierre Curie at the Sorbonne, where Marie Skladowska is doing research on the magnetic properties of various steels. They become interested in the phenomenon of radiation from pitch- blende, reported by Dr. Becquerel. Following their marriage, Marie is encouraged by Pierre to make a study of this phenomenon. The film then traces the laborious process by which the Curies succeeded in separating and identifying radium from pitchblende. ^PIONEER OF FLIGHT 2 reels-B&W An excerpt from GALLANT JOURNEY (Columbia) 18 minutes The work of John J. Montgomery, a little-known pioneer of flight, is presented in this excerpt. The film describes how Montgomery observed the flight of birds and made measurements of their 1 bodily structure and wingspread. With this information he built a glider in which he made a successful, though uncontrolled, flight in 1883. As a professor of physics at Santa Clara University he continued his experiments with model gliders. Finally he completed a glider with curved wings and flight controls in which the first controlled winged flight was made in 1905. The film con- cludes with a recapitulation of key scenes stressing Montgomery's scientific method. Teacher guides are available on request. ^PROGRESS ON TRIAL 2 reels-B&W An excerpt from THE HILLS OF HOME (MGM) 17 minutes This film deals with the problem of overcoming resistance to social and scientific progress. The story takes place in a Scottish village during the Victorian period. It concerns a doctor who must operate on a young man for acute appendicitis. He plans to anesthtize the youth with chloroform, then the latest medical discovery. The patient's father refuses permission until the doctor proves the effectiveness of the chloroform by successfully anesthetizing his dog. The awakening of the dog convinces the boy's father; he then gives his permission, and the boy's life is saved. The film concludes with flashbacks to key scenes and suggested topics for discussion. Teacher guides are available on request. ^RAINBOW OF STONE 2 reels-Color An excerpt from TALE OF THE NAVAJOS (MGM) 20 minutes When drought threatens the tribal flocks, Ziki, a Navajo boy, tell his friend Jimmy, the son of a white trader, the tribal legend of a land of abundant grass and water beyond the "Rainbow of Stone." They ask Ziki's grandfather about the legend, and he encourages them to seek the 62