Films for classroom use (1954)

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THE STORY OF CHARLES GOODYEAR 1 reel-B&W (Columbia) 11 minutes Fools Who Made History Series A dramatization of the impoverished inventor's efforts to make India rubber commercially practicable, and the fortunate accident through which he discovered vulcanization. THE STORY OF DR. CARVER 1 reel-B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series (MGM) 10 minutes The life story of Dr. George Washington Carver, the university trained scientist who was born in slavery, showing his agricultural experiments in the South and his many achievements in the laboratory at Tuskegee. THE STORY OF ELIAS HOWE (Columbia) 1 reel-B&W Fools Who Made History Series 11 minutes A dramatic presentation of the motives and methods through which Howe perfected the sewing machine, and his difficulties in marketing his invention. LIST II THE FILM THAT WAS LOST (MGM) 1 reel-B&W Passing Parade Series 10 minutes This story of film preservation at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City includes sequences from some of the earliest news reel pictures. THE MAN WHO CHANGED THE WORLD 1 reel-B&W (MGM) 11 minutes The story of James Hargreaves, who invented the spinning jenny in 1767, thus laying the foundation for mass production and the Machine Age. THE MAGIC ALPHABET (MGM) 1 reel-B&W 10 minutes Dr. Christian Eijkman's discovery of Vitamin B-l, the subsequent dis- covery of new vitamins, and the importance of vitamins to health are stressed. MAGIC ON A STICK (MGM) 1 reel-B&W Passing Parade Series 9 minutes This subject depicts the story of the English chemist who discovered, at the cost of personal tragedy, the principle of the sulphur match. The film traces the history of fire-making utensils through the ages, and stresses the safety and convenience of the household match. MIRACLE OF HYDRO (20th Cent-Fox) 1 reel-B&W Magic Carpet Series 10 minutes A presentation of the significance of the Bonneville and Grand Coulee Dams and the effect of artificial irrigation on agricultural development. QUICKER'N A WINK (MGM) 1 reel-B&W Pete Smith Specialties Series 9 minutes A demonstration of the stroboscopic camera which photographs motion of objects whose speed had heretofore defied photographic reproduction. 65