Films for classroom use (1954)

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Down from Vesuvius Driven Westward Drums Along the Mohawk . Drunk Driving Due Process of Law Denied . Earning and Giving Easy Life Educating Father Eskimo Trails Evergreen Empire, The Everybody Talks About It *Expedition to Antarctica Exploring Space Face Behind the Mask, The . Familiar Patriotic Songs Family Affair, A Film That Was Lost, The First Aid *First Atomic Pile, The *First Seize His Books Fit to Win Flag of Humanity, The Flag Speaks, The Flemish Folk Follow the Arrow Friend Indeed From Singapore to Hong Kong Fury Lynching Sequence Trial Sequence Gang Raids the Orchard, The Gem of the Sea Geneva by the Lake Geopolitik Giant of Norway, The Giants of the Jungle Gift from Dad, A Give Me Liberty Glacier Trails Glimpses of Greece Going to Blazes Golf Mistakes Good Badminton Good Earth, The Good Earth, The Famine Sequence Woman Sequence Good Job, The 25 34 32 80 50 57 55 58 17 18 69 61 41 71 58 65 79 61 48 78 36 32 23 74 47 28 51 54 57 24 26 50 53 66 57 32 19 24 80 76 75 9 53 63 12 Good Neighbors 21 Great American Divide, The .... 19 Great Expectations , 9 Great Heart, The Great Meddler, The Great Waltz, The Greenie, The Grid Rules 53 66 71 54 74 Guardians of the Sea 47 Gymnastics 75 Gypsy Revels: 73 Haiti's Black Napoleon 22 Harvest of the Sea £8 Headlines of the Century 38 Heart of Mexico 21 Heidi 9 Here Comes the Circus 81 Historic Cities of India 29 Historic Virginia 18 *History Brought to Life 95 Hit and Run Driver 80 Holland and the Zuyder Zee .... 24 Homer and the Kid Brother 57 Homer Starts to Work 58 Honeyland 82 Hong Kong Highlights 28 Horseshoes ..76 90 House of Rothschild, The .... House of the Seven Gables, The How Green Was My Valley How to Break 90 How to Vote ... Iceberg Patrol, The In Far Mandalay In Morocco In Old Guatemala In the Guianas Informer, The Inside Baseball Inside Opera Inside the Capitol Inside the F.B.I Inside the Library of Congress Inside the White House Irish Pastoral Islands of the Woman Sequence Isle of Pleasure, The 39 9 52 76 47 47 29 27 21 22 54 74 71 46 46 46 46 24 53 22