Films for classroom use (1954)

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There Aint No Such Animal .... 69 They Live Again 79 They're Always Caught 66 This Is Tomorrow 52 *This Theater and You 95 Threads of a Nation 59 Timothy's Quest 10 Touring Brazil 21 Tracking the Sleeping Death .... 79 Traffic 30 Traffic with the Devil 80 Treasure Island 10 Triumph Without Drums 79 Two Decades of History 38 Two Years Before the Mast ... . 10 Under Moroccan Skies 27 Under Southern Stars 36 Understanding Movies 11 United States Military Academy 47 United States Naval Academy 47 United States Treasury 47 Unveiling Algeria 27 Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, The 69 Veldt, The 67 Venetian Holiday 25 Viking Trail, The 25 Wandering Through China .... 29 Wanted, A Master 67 Washington, D.C 46 *Washington Square 11 Watchtower over Tomorrow . 50 Way in the Wilderness, A 79 We Do It Because 70 Weather Wizards 70 Western Grandeur 19 Western Wonderland 19 Westward by Prairie Schooner 82 Whale Ho! 69 What Is China? 28 What Price Safety 54 Where East Meets West 29 Whispers 55 Wild Life on the Veldt 67 Willie and the Mouse 70 Winning Our Independence .... 33 Winter in Eskimo Land 17 Wonder Trail, The 19 Wonders of the Sea 68 World at Prayer, The 30 World of Sound, The 66 Wrong Way Butch 80 Wrong Way Out, The 55 Year of Division, 1947 38 Yellow Jack 63 You Can't Run Away 49 You, The People 50