Films for classroom use (1954)

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HISTORY BROUGHT TO LIFE Paramount Narrated by Cecil B. DeMille, this subject shows the work done by Hollywood research experts in bringing accuracy of mood and detail to motion picture versions of significant historical periods. MOMENTS IN MUSIC Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer The great range of musical talent—from Beethoven to "boogiewoogie"— which Hollywood is constantly recording on film for the entertainment of its audiences is stirringly illustrated in this film. MOVIES ARE ADVENTURE Universal International Flashes from some of the greatest pictures of other days, as well as scenes from more recent ones, show how these films appeal to every member of the family and how their enjoyment is increased through identification with the screen characters. SCREEN ACTORS Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Treating the Screen Actor as an individual, a tax-payer, and a citizen of the picture making community, this subject contains no acting. The players are seen in their homes, conducting private businesses, engaging in hobbies, and meeting the problems of everyday living. THE SCREEN DIRECTOR Warner Bros. In THE SCREEN DIRECTOR one follows a typical director through his work and watches him weave the many threads of the motion picture pro- cess into a moving, vital film. THE SCREEN WRITER 20th Century-Fox To take a book or a story, strip it down to its elements, and put it together again so that characters move and live, so that the printed word is trans- formed into visual and audio patterns is the task of the screen writer. To accomplish this task, he must know all about the technical aspects of pic- ture making. THE SCREEN WRITER pictures a typical writer and analyzes his job. THE SOUND MAN Columbia THE SOUND MAN graphically illustrates the manner in which the experts use their vast resources to create the effects taken for granted by motion picture audiences. THE SOUNDMAN traces the history of so'und in movies, from the days of the tinny piano accompaniment to the elaborate electronic equipment of today. THIS THEATER AND YOU Warner Bros. This film explains the role of the theater and the man who manages it, not only in relation to the motion picture industry, but also in relation to the community. 95