Films and other materials for projection (1973)

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Films— Catalog, January 1973December 1973 34S L*flCb«r. [Motion picturri ACI Fllmt. 1971. M mm vl 4,>>lor 16 mm SI MMARY StKiiMa l<tlS»r .jtmntmin u«mf i vtricty of Uxth «n«l Mtrril kimli iW kathrr to make • »impl< pouch and bell and a ttuMt compJicatfiJ thouidci bag and tatulah. In.iixlei hauc intiruclHwu for making leather article* I I cither work I ACI Filmt. inc ,rr:'*Oi 745.43 72.701127 ALA Booklni '^3(7J] L«b«aoB and Jordui. (Filmsihp] Eye Cite House. 1973 M fr <ci^M J 5 mm arwl phonotape 1 caMCite (The Mtdd>e East a regional tiudy) Wiih teacher'* gutde Sl'MMARY A »ludy of ihe eilreme difference* between the c-ountne« of Lebanon and Jordan, showing the Iremendoin vtnciy of the Middle East and Ihe Arab nation* I Lebanon 1 Jordan I Eye Gate House, inc II Scne* Middle East a regional study. {Filmstnp) iDSSOi 915.69 7^735543 Eye Gate House 73 LeClMtrlicr't principle. [Filmstrip] Popular Science Pub. Co.. Audio-Visual Divisiofi. 1968. 45 fr color 3? mm (Chemistry raction principles) In LC colleclKMU FOM filmstnp no 6M)2 >hilh teaching guide SL MMARY Explore* the operation of LeOiatelter's pniwiplc tn ph>-sh;al Ci]uilibna Discusses the law of chemical equilibrium and the rule of the pnnciple as it operates under varying *cts of condition*. With captioria. I Chemical ei^uilibnum 1. Popular Science Publishing Company, inc . Nc* York Audio-Vtsual Division. IL Send. FOM filmjinp no 6503 III. Scncs; Chemistry reactwo pniKipks (Filmstnp) (QD501] 541 fu 68-4106 (r72jrev Leckebusch (Walter) Film Studio sec Film-Studio Walter Leckebusch Lcdcrer. Sue see Charles Darden: conductor. Lee (James) Media Services Center sec James Lee Media Services Center Lee. Owen S. sec The birth of life. The Endlesa sea. Food from (he sea. L«e Creative Communications sec Sickle-cell anemia. Lcean. Arch sec On our own. Leenhardt (Roger) Lcs Films sec Les Films Roger Lecnhardi Left oal. (Motion picture] Richard Miner. Released by BFA Educational Media. 1972. 4 mm u color super 8 mm (You've gcH a problem, senc* li Loop film in cmrtridgc With study guide SUMMARY An open-«nded dranvatizatKMi of a problem common to elementary school children designed to Uimulatc thought and AKUMiofi of values and problem -solving mcthooS For clcincma^ giadu I. Worth— luvenik fUm* 2 ProbJem solving— Juvenile films [I ProMcm solving] I Miner. Richard 11 BFA EducationaJ Media. Ill Scries: You've got a probtem (Motion picturr) scnes 2 tLBI085] 372.1 73-700208 BFA Edacatwaal Media 73 Til* Lcft/rigbt moTlc. (Motion picture^ Films M, 1973 Made by 1 awrcncc Jacuba. 7 mm *d color 16 mm Wiih study gwdc CREDITS Producer. MkhacI Grady, educational advisor, Manon Roth SUMMARY A motivational film designed to teach or reinforce the concept* of left and right sides. A series of tactile image* and familiar event* are presented in a manner which nukes the child aware that hi* body u symmetrically two-sided, and that each of these sides has a name. For primary grades 1 Space-perception Juvenile nims (I Left and right 1. Space-perception) I Film* M. lGF469, 372.24 73-701041 Films M 73 Legend days are over. [Motion picture] Parasound. Released by Pyramid Films. 1973. } min. sd. color. 16 mm. SUMMARY: Present* in kinestasis animation various aspects of the life of the American Indian, conveying the human impact of the cultural change from the world of legend to modem life. I. Indians of North America— History. I Parasound. inc. II Pyramid Film*, inc tE77j 970.1 73-702324 CINE 73 Legend of Sleepy Hollow. [Filmstrip] see Tales by Washington Irving: Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle. The Legislative branch of Govemment. (Transparencies) Creative Visuals. 1971. 7 transparencies, color. 10 x 12 in. (American Government) With overlays. With teacher's manual. CREDITS: Author. Nancy Poleite. SUMMARY: Examines the powers of Congrca* and illustrates how a bill becomes a law. 1 Legislative power— United Sutcs. 2. Legialation — United States. 3. United Sutes. Congress. (I. Legislation. 2. United Sutcs. Congress) I. Creative Visuals (Firm) 11. Series: American government. [Transparencies] [JKlOblj 342.5 72-735813 Creative Visuals 72 LEGS: learning eiperience guides for onrsiag stvdents, volume \. [Slide set] John Wiley and Sons. 1970. Made by Alderman Studios. 282 slide* color. 2 x 2 in. and 2 phonotapes in cassettes: single-track. 1 7/8 ips. With slide guide, memory drill games, and assignment gamea. Correlated with A. K. Roe and M. C Sherwood's Learning experience guides for nursing students, volume 1 SUMMARY. Provides an introduction to the fundamental* of nursing Includes instruction in body mechanics, observation, asepsi*. nutrition and fluids, pharmacology, growth and development, and maternity. For use in nursing ediKation. 1. Nurses and nursing I. Wiley (John) and Sons. inc. II. Title: Learning experience guides for nursing stiKlents. volume 1. [Slide set] [RT41i 610.73 72-73W70 John Wiley and Sons 73 LEGS: learning experience guides for narsing stadents, Tolarae 2. [Slide set] John Wiley and Sons, 1970. Made by Alderman Studios. 203 slides, color 2 * 2 in. and 5 phonotape* in cassettes: sin^-track. I 7:8 ips. With slide guide, memory dnil game*, and aaaignmcnt game* Correlated with A K Roe and M C Sherwood's Learning experience guide* for nursing students, volume 2 SUMMARY Inuoduccs studenu to the care of patients with physical and mental iltnesse*. and to the proWetn* of pregnancy, including labor, delivery, and postpanum care For use in nursing educatKm 1 Nurses 8r>d nursing I Wiley (John) and Sons, loc II Tittr Learning experience guide* for nursing *tudent*. volume 2. [Sl»de set) [RT41j 610.73 72-736671 John WUey and Sons 73 LEGS: Ifaming cipeHcnce guides for Boralng at*dents, volume 3. [Slide \cli Juhn Wiley and Sons, 1971. Made by Uoodway, inc 274 slide* color 2 x 2 in and 4 phonoupc* in cassette*, single-track, 1 7/B ipt With *lide guide. Correlated with A. K. Roe and M. C Sharwood'a Learning experience guides for nursing students, volume 3 SUMMARY Introduce* students to the ireaimeni of patient* with diseases luch a* arthntis. cancer, and vascular disease, and to several ircaimcnt routines normally carried out by nurses. For u*c in nursing education 1. Nurse* and nursing. I. Wiley (John) and Soru. inc II. Title; Learning experience guides for nursing aiudenu. volume 3 (Slide set] tRT41j 610.73 72-736672 John Wiley and Son* 73 LEGS: learning experience guides for nursing stadents, volume 4. [Slide set] John Wiley and Sons, 1971. Made by Goodway, inc. 279 slides color 2 x 2 in. and 5 phonoupes in cassettes: single-track. I 7/g ip*. With slide guide Correlated with A K Roe and M. C. Sherwood's Learning experience guides for nursing students, volume 4. SUMMARY: Provides a transition from cla**room to actual nursing experience, emphasizing leadership skills, professional orientation, and special area* of study in nursing careers. For use in nursing education. 1. Nurses and nursing. 1. Wiley <John) and Sons. inc. II Title: Learning experience guides for nursing student*, volume 4 (Slide set] (RT41j 610.72 72-736674 John Wiley and Son* 73 Leisure. (Filmstrip] Field Educational Publications. 1973. Made by Audiovisual Dept. 133 fr color. 35 mm. and phonodisc: 2 s. (1 *. for manual projector. 1 s. for automatic projector), 12 in., 33 1 /3 rpm.. 12 min. (Quest for liberty) Issued in the Field social studies program. With teacher's guide. CREDITS: Producer. Douglas Cox; director. Jeanne Robinson, writer, John Deck; narrator. Roger Bowen; photographer. Bill Plumroer. SUMMARY: Shows how leisure time has increased and attitudes about it have changed. Explains how members of an American family use their leisure time in different ways and tells of the great vaheiy of leisure time activities. 1. Leisure— United Sutes. I. Field Educational Publicationv II. Series: Quest for liberty (Filmstripj. tHD4904.7] 790.01 73-735862 Field Educational Publicatioru 73 Leitncr. Irving A. Pear-shaped hill see The Pear-shaped hUL Length: the long and short of It. [Filmstrip] Eye Gate House. 1973 50 fr color. 35 mm. and phonotape: t cassette (Developing elementary concepts, set 2) With teacher's guide SUMMARY: Compares long and short. Umger and shorter, and longest and shortest m developing the concept of length. For elementary grades. I Length measurement Juvenile Alms. (1. Length measurement 2. Measuring] I Eye Gate House. itK II. Scncs: Developing elementary concepts. (Filmstrip] set 2 [QC102) 152.1 73-735528 Eye Gate House 73 Lenny and Lynn. (Motion picttuc] J. Philip Miller. 1973. 14 min ad. color. 16 mm. SUMMARY. Examines a mamage in which the hiMband and wife hvc separately in order to pursue their separate career* as busitKaaman and actres* I. Family 2 Wives — EmptoymcnL I. MiUer. J Phibp tHQ734] 301.42 73-701615 CINE 73