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Film year book : 1922-23 (1923)

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Universal plans big costume picture and foreign producing unit headed by Priscilla Dean. Twenty-seven exchange centers prepare for railroad striJ<e. Thursday, Oct. 27 First National difficulties with delegates appear straightened out. W. A. Brady leaves for Middle West to secure co-operation with women's organizations. Minneapolis M. P. T. O. wants First National output limited to 80 features annually to relieve sub-franchise holders. Marcus Loew has three new theaters ready. Friday, Oct. 28 Orient Pictures Corp. closes foreign deals with important producers. Group of film men en route to New York from England. ^ , ^ Saturday, Oct. 29 Educators stress need of visual instruction at first conference of M. P. T. O. welfare board. Adolph Zukor plans to divert block of Famous Players preferred stock for sale to employees. Monday, Oct. 31 M. P. T. O. may drop proposed First National probe as result of promises made at Chicago "gettogether." Bennie Zeidman and B. P. Schulberg to produce jointly. Pathe sells Central American rights to output. Tuesday, Nov. 1 Pathe employees to be given right to purchase stock in company. H. M. Thomas and N. L. Nathanson in from Canada. Fourteen theaters opened in year. Famous Players file general denial to charges of monopoly preferred by Federal Trade Commission. Wednesday, Nov. 2 Senate votes for repeal of S% rental tax. Measure now goes before House. Society M. P. Engineers in convention in Buffalo. Discusses new high speed camera and other inventions. ^. j »t Thursday, Nov. 3 Max Glucksmann buys South American rights to "The Four Horsemen." British-American Producers Alliance to be launched shortly. InterOcean closes number of foreign deals. History of Famous Players-Lasky Corp. traced in brief filed with Federal Trade Commission. Friday, Nov. 4 Vigilance Committee of National Association makes new plans to stop sale of fraudulent stock. Saturday, Nov. 5 Sydney S. Cohen and Senator James J. Walker to start tour for M. P. T. O. shortly. First National to establish territorial advisory boards for adjustment of exhibitor complaints. Monday, Nov. 7 M. P. T. O. arranges with T. O. C. C. to hold open meeting with First National to adjust complaints. D. W. Griffith reported considering production of a 72 reel production in instalments of 12 reels ^^'^^^ Tuesday, Nov. 8 Open meeting with First National to be held Nov. 22. M. C. Levee takes over Robert Brunton studios. Buys out Brunton's interests. St. Louis merger completed between Skouras Bros, and the Kdplars. George Walsh to star for Universal. Wednesday, Nov. 9 F. B. Warren sells interest in F. B. Warren Corp. to Wid Gunning and retires from corporation. M. P. T. O. to release Urban reel as official publication. T. O. C. C. pledges 2,000 booking days. Yale Corporation to sponsor historical productions. ^, Thursday, Nov. 10 M. P. T. O. has deal on for distribution of Urban reel. Max Graf here from San Mateo. Has important production plans in mind. First National may handle "My Wandering Boy." Friday, Nov. 1 1 Fox discontinues 20th Century Brand. Harold Lloyd rounding out present contract. Expected to renew with Associated Exhibitors. Saturday, Nov. 12 F. E. Adams and P. C. T. officials arrive here from England. London revives reports of British First National plan. Tom Moore to star for R-C Pictures. Monday, Nov. 14 Economies at First National in order. Distributors may test validity of advance deposit law. Appellate Division of N. Y. Suprerne Court hears first appeal from censorship commission, on Goldwyn's "The Night Rose." Joseph Levenson, of M. P. Commission, at Warner Bros.' luncheon states commission is not radical in censoring films. Count Montebello coming from Italy with big Dante film. r^ j xt i e Tuesday, Nov. IS F. E. Adams says he came to America to arrange for production in England. Globe Prod, sues Tififany Prod. Rodolph Valentino expected to star for Famous Players. Hyman Winik and Tom Davies buy Bible films ■ Wednesday, Nov. 16 W. A. Brady hints at repeal of censorship law in New York. Reginald Barker to direct "The Storm" for Universal. D. P. Howells buys Western Pictures Exploitation Co. output for foreign markets. Guy Newall says "soul" is needed in ipicture production. Strong for one man process. Thursday, Nov. 17 D. W. Griffith may next make "East is West." "The White Slave" also under consideration. Allan Dwan and Edgar Selwyn considering trip to India to make picture. Friday, Nov. 18 Appellate Court upholds censors' ban on "The Night Rose." M. P. T. O. to fight the Sunday closing law in New Jersey. „ , ., Saturday, Nov. 19 M. P. T.' O. expects to go over complaints against First National at T. O. C. C. meeting. Monday, Nov. 21 Al Lichtman reiported slated for general sales managership of Associated First National. Important conference scheduled for Atlantic City. James C. Quinn of El Paso, Tex., talks of problems facing the small exhibitor. "Our Mutual Friend" to go into New York Lyric for run. _,,»,«-, Tuesday, Nov. 22 James J. Walker of M. P. T. O. severely arraigns First National for alleged mistreatment of sub-franchise holders. T. O. C. C. adopts resolutions condemning organization's tactics. No First National representative at luncheon. Pola Negri to come to America to work here. Ernst Lubitsch, Max Davidson and Dimitri Buchowetzki also slated for American trips. Pathe places $1,500,000 bond issue. Paul Brunet sees urgent need for lower admissions. F. B. Warren Corp. changes name to Wid Gunning, Inc. Wednesday, Nov. 23 First National in answer to James J. Walker holds affairs with sub-franchise holders are strictly inter-company matters. Jules E. Mastbaum leaves on Western trip. Reported he plans extension of activities for Stanley Co. of America. D. W. Griffith would make spectacle to show futility of war, with American battle fleets as background. First National franchise holders meet in Atlantic City. Southwest situation over First National distribution ends. Agreement means release of large amount of product. Rental ta.x removed with signing of new revenue bill. ' Massachusetts referendum to be discussed at general meeting of industry. 311