Film year book : 1922-23 (1923)

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Ned Holmes, First National. Leslie Jordan, Universal; Horace Judge, First National. Horace Judge, First National. Al Karpen, Realart ; Pat Kearney, Famous Players-Lasky ; Jacques Kopfstein, 60 Northern Ave. ; John W. Kraft, Fox. C. A. Karpen, Apeda Studios, B'way at 48th St.; Edward Klein, 610 Knickerbocker Bldg., N Y. C. ; Paul Kohner, Universal. 'Claude La Belle, 227 W. 45th St.; George Landy, Jonathan Club, Los Angeles ; Tamar Lane, Selznick ; Mark Larkin, Los Angeles; Paul Lazarus, United Artists; W. H. Leahy, Anita Stewart Co., Los Angeles; Arthur Leslie, 235 W. Slst St.; Harry Lewis, Pathe ; W. W. Lewis, 143 23rd St., Elmhurst, L. I. ; Theodore Liebler, Riverside, Conn. ; Philip Lonergan, Elks Club ; Robert Edgar Long, 1482 Broadway; Joseph T~>. Lorenzo, Asso. Prod. ; J. M. Loughborough, Asso. First Nat'l. ; Randolph Lewis. Lesley Mason, 729 Seventh Ave. ; Charles E. Meyer, United Artists. Charles McCarthy, Famous Players-Lasky ; Charles McClintock, Fox; E. J. McConnell, New York Athletic Club, 59th St. and 6th Ave. ; Edward McNamee, Fox; James MacFarland, 69 W. 46th St. ; Alan D. Mirr, Realart ; Joe Mayer, Universal Exch., Cleveland; John E. D. Meador, Metro; Maurie Meyers, 1463 Broadway; Edward Moffat, Universal ; David A Morrisy, Fox ; V. M. Moses. 22 W. 47th St.; W.'E. Mulligan, First National. J. F. Natteford, 723 Seventh Ave.; Rutgers Xeilson, 109 Holly Ave., Cranford, N. J. J. F. Natteford, 723 Seventh Ave., N. Y. C. ; Victor Nurnberg, Pacific Film. S. D. Palmer, Famous Players-Lasky ; P. A. Parsons, Pathe; Jack Pegler, 2592 Creston Ave., Bronx; Paul E. Perez, Universal; C. C. Pettijohn, 522 Fifth Ave.; Hal Phyfe, 620 W. 190th St. J. V. Ranck, 1600 Broadway; Joseph Reddy, Pathe ; Harry L. Reichenbach, Belleclaire Hotel ; Burton Rice, 145 W. 45th St.; Allen Rock, 152 W. 72nd St. ; Nat Rothstein, E. J. Rosenbaum, 529 W. 111th St. ; F B. O.; Morrie Ryskind, 543 VV, 146th St. Paul Sarazan, Dallas, Tex. ; M. A. Schutte, Hodkinson ; Fred Shaefer, 312 Lincoln Ave., Brooklyn ; V. M. Shapiro, Pathe ; Ernest Sbipman, 17 W. 44th St.; Sidney Singerman, Universal: Pete Smith, Neilan Prod.; Julian M. Solomon, 601 W. 184th St.; Silas Spitzer. Silas F. Seadler, 750 Riverside Drive; A. S. .Selig. 530 W. 149th St. Vincent Trotta, Famous Players. C. J. VerHalen, 117 W. 46th St. Chas. E. Wagner, Pathe; Joe Weil, 1476 Broadway ; Richard Weil. Arrow ;" Tom Wiley, 209 W. 38th St. Donald H. Walk, Universal; J, Weaver, 267 Ainslee St., Brooklyn; Lloyd Willis, N. A. M. P. L, 1520 Broadway. Harmon Yaffa, 17 E. 37th St.; C. L. Yearsley. First National. Eugene Zukor, Famous Players. Honorary Members: A. S. Friend, 336 Madison Ave.; Lambert Guenther,' 162 W. 48th St.; .Arthur James, 516 Fifth Ave. Arthur Paul Yowitz, Fox. WESTERN MOVING PICTURES ADVERTISERS 619 Pacific Finance Building Los Angeles Officers: President, Arch Reeve; \'icePresident, Pete Smith ; Secretary, Harry Hammond Beall ; Treasurer, Barrett C. Kiesling ; Assistant Secretary, Howard Strickling. Directors : Arch Reeve, Pete Smith, Harry Hammontl Beall, Barrett C. Kiesling, Joseph A. Jackson, Malcolm S. Boylan, Harry Wilson, Paul Conlon, Harry R. Brand. Members: Allen, Robert L, Lasky Studio, 1520 Vine St.; Anthony, Walter, United Studio, 5341 Melrose Ave. Beall, Harry Hammond, 634 Citizens Nat'l Bank Bldg.; Beatty, Jerome, Lasky Studio, 1520 Vine St. ; Boylan, Malcolm S., LTniversal City, Cal. ; Brand, Harry, Keaton Studio, 1025 Lillian Way ; Branaman, Chas., 301 C. C. Chapman Bldg. Cohn, Sam W. B., Hillview Apts., 6533 HoMy. Blvd.; Condon. Charles, Mayer Stud o. 3800 Mission Rd. ; Conlon, Paul, 1957 No. \'an Ness; Collier. Robert, 209 Knickerbocker Bldg. Davidson, Ray, 424 So. Broadway; Dickson, .M. M., Universal City, Cal. ; Donian, Robert, Oatman, Ariz. ; Dowling, Pat, Christie Studio, Sunset at Gower. • EIngler, Tom, Goldwyn Studio, Culver City. (ioring, John, Famous Players-Lasky Exchange, 924 So. Olive St.: Goss, Foster. 6411 Hollywood Blvd.; Graham, G. H., 6411 Hollywood Blvd.: (irueu, James. ]\Ietro Studio. Hagerman, Arthur, Universal City, Cal.; Hill. Jack, Fox Studio, Sunset and Western ; Heiirj . William, Grauman's Theater Pub. Dept., Douglas Bldg. ; Hertznian, Chas.. care Sam H. Harris. .\ew York ; Hurley, Harold. Universal City, Cal. Irvine, Clark, Culver City, Cal. Jackson, J. A., Goldwyn Studio, Culver City. Keefe, W. E., Hollywood Studio, Santa Monica near Seward; Kiesling, Barrett C, Lasky Studio. 1520 Vine St.; Klein, Ernest, Christie Studio, Sunset at Gower. Lathrop, Monroe, Ray Studio, 1425 Fleming St.; Larkin, Mark, PickfordFairbanks Studio, 7100 Santa Monica Blvd. ; Landy, George, United Studio, 5341 Melrose Ave. ; LeBerthon, Charles. Bal aban & Katz, Chicago; Leek, Ray H., Robertson-Cole, Melrose at Gower. McCormick, John E., 619 Pacific Finance Bldg MacArthur, Arthur, Sennett Studio, 1712 Alles sandro ; Mac Kemia, Lindsay, United Studio, 5341 Melrose Ave. Miller, Roy, California Theater; Meyers, Zion. Century Studio, Sunset and Gower; Moriarity, E. L., Vitagraph Studio, 1708 Talmadge St. Neville, Jack, 6705 Yucca St. Perret, Francis, Metro Studio; Pope, Clem, Symphony Theater. Retlaw, Jack, West Coast Theaters, Inc., 209 Knickerbocker Bldg. ; Rankin, John, Chaplin Studios. 1420 La Brea; Robinson, Carlyle, 209 Knickerbocker Bldg. ; Reddy, Joe, Roach Studio, Culver City; Rogers, Bogart, 1518 6th Ave.; Reeve, Arch, Lasky Studio, 1520 Vine St.; Riddle, Melvin, Lasky Studio, 1520 Vine St. Shirk, Adam Hull, Lasky Studio, 1520 Vine St.: Smith, Peter Gridley, Neilan Prod., Goldwyn Studio, Culver City; Spier, Richard, Mission Theater; Strickling, Howard, Metro Studio; Stromberg. Hunt, Metro Studio ; St. Johns, Ivan, 5965 Chula Vista Way. *Taylor, Ted, Camera, 4513 Sunset Blvd. Wilkie, Al, Lasky Studio, 1520 Vine St.: VVeingarten, L. A., Sacred Films, Burbaiik, Cal. ; Wenzel. Arthur A., Grauman's Press Dept., Doug las Bldg.; Wells, Linton, Loew's State Theater: Wilson, Harry D., United Studio, 5341 Melrose Ave. Young, King, 634 Citizens Nat'l Bank Bldg. : Yost, Bob, Fox Exchange, So. Olive St. Honorary member. Will H. Hays. 'Associate member. NEWSPAPER SYNDICATES Associated Newspapers, Inc., 170 Broadway. New York City. The Bel! Syndicate, Inc.. World Building. 6.S Park Row, New York City; John X. Wheeler. President. Central Press Association, Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. H. A. McNitt, Editor. Chicago Tribune Syndicate, Chicago, 111.; Miss King. International Feature Service, 246 West 59th St., New York City. International Press Bureau. 118 North LaSalle St., Chicago, 111.; Mr. William Gerard Chapman. King Features Syndicate, 246 West 59th St., New York City. The McClure Newspaper Syndicate (which includes the Wheeler Syndicate), i7i Fourth Ave. X. E. A. Service, Inc.. 461 Eighth Ave.. Xew York City; John P. O'Donnell. Fiction Editor. New York Tribune Syndicate, 154 Nassau St., New York City. Philadelphia Public Ledger Syndicate, Philadelphia, Pa.; Mr. John E. Watkins. 344