Film Year Book 1927 (1927)

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Advertising and Publicity Organizations Associated M. P. Advertisers {A. M. P. A.) (Associated with the Wampas, Hollywood, and the Bumpers, Hollywood) New York City OFFICERS President, Walter Eberhardt, First National, 383 Madison Ave. Vice-President, S. Charles Einfeld, First National, 383 Madison Ave. Secretary Edward Finney, 556 W. 140th St. Treasurer, Mel Shauer, Famous Players, 485 Fifth Ave. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Fred Baer, 1441 B'way. ; Charles Barrell, 120 W. 41st St.; Ed McNaniee, 1560 B'way.; A. L. Selig, 1542 B'way.; Julian Solomon, 601 W. 184th St.; Walter Eberhardt, S. Charles Einfeld, Edward Finney and Mel Shauer. COMMITTEES Advisory Council: Glendon Allvine, A. M. Botsford, Howard Dietz, John C. Flinn, Paul Gulick, Arthur James, P. A. Parsons, Victor Shapiro, C. L. Yearsley and Lon Young. Membership : Paul Gulick, Chairman ; C. L. Yearsley and Julian Solomon. Finance : Walter Eberhardt, S. Charles Einfeld, Edward Finney, Mel Shauer, Charles Barrell and A. L. Selig. Publicity : W. E. Mulligan, Chairman, and James Zabin. Entertainment: Bert Adler, Harry Cohen, H. W. Fisher, Russell Holman, Hal Howe, Tom Wiley, the Board of Directors and the Advisory Council. Guests : A. L. Selig, Chairman, and Frank Conklin. Auditing: H. C. Bates, Chairman; Jacques Kopstein and George Harvey. Art : Vincent Trotta, Chairman ; J. P. Gourlay, Karoly Gross and Hal Phyfe. A.M.P.A. "Quarterly": Ed McNamee, Editor. Nat'l Counsellor U. S. Chamber of Commerce: Jerome Beatty. MEMBERSHIP Adams, John K., 218 W. 42nd St.; Adler, Bert, 605 W. 142nd; St.; Allvine, Glendon, Famous Players 485 Fifth Ave. ; Anderson, Richard, International News Reel, 1600 B'way.; Bader, Dave, Universal, 730 5th Ave. ; Baer, Fred. 1441 W. 41st St.; Barrell, Charles W., 120 W. 41st St.; Bamberger, Leon J., Famous Players, 485 5th Ave. ; Bernard, J. L., 345 W. 88th St.; Bate, Henry Clay, Universal, 730 5th Ave.; Beals, Victor, 77 W. 50th St. ; Beatty, Jerome, Hays Organization, 469 5th Ave. ; Bilson, George R., First National, 383 Madison Ave. ; Blaufox, J. D., 179 Beach 66th St., Arverne, Long Island; Botsford A. M., Famous Players, 485 Sth Ave. ; Briggs, L. H., Dupont Cafe, 35 W. 45th St.; Brilant, A. M., Friars Club, 110 W. 48th St.; Brooks, Oswald, Pathe, 35 W. 45th St.; Burr, C. C, 133 W. 44th St. Cavanaugh, Raymond, Universal, 730 5th Ave. ; Chamberlain, Milton, Plaza Theater, 59th St. and Madison Ave. ; Chandler, C. F., First National, 383 Madison Ave.; Cohen Charles, 308 W. 109th St.; Cohen, Harry I., 41 E. 42nd St.; Conklin, Francis G., 250 W. 57th St. Davis, Ben, Friars Club, 110 W. 48th St.; Davis, 2nd, Charles, Davis Dist. Division, 218 W. 42nd St. ; Davison, Sidney, Universal, 730 5th Ave. ; DeAlberich, A., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1540 B'way.; DeGrandcourt, G., National Screen Service. 130 W. 46th St.; Denig, Lynde, First National, 383 Madison Ave. ; Dietz, Howard, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1540 B'way. Eberhardt, Walter, First National, 383 Madison Ave. ; Einfeld, S. Charles, First National, 383 Madison Ave. Finney, Edward, 556 W. 140th St.; Ferguson, Wm. R., Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1540 B'way.; Fisher, Herman, 310 W. 97th St.; Flinn, John C. Prod. Dist. Corp., 1560 B'way.; Fuld, Jack, 3S' St. Nicholas Terrace. Gallup, George Bruce, United Artists Corp., 729 7th Ave. ; Gerauld, Famous Players Studios, Astoria ; Geyer, O. R., Famous Players, 485 Sth Ave. ; Gourlay, Jess, First National, 383 Madison Ave.; Greene, J., Yale University Press, 522 Sth Ave. ; Grosz, Karoly, Universal, 730 Sth Ave. ; Gulick, Paul. Universal, 730 Sth Ave. Hadley, Hopp, 8763 148th St., Jamaica, L. I.; Hall, Harold, 21 Fountan Ave., New Uochelle ; Harvey, George, Prod. Dist. Corp., 1560 B'way; Hawks, Wells, c/o E. Ray Goetz, 1450 B'way.; Hays, Will, 469 Sth Ave. ; Holman, Russell, Famous Players 485 Sth Ave. ; Howe, Harold C, Rm. 212, Transit Bldg., 7 E. 42nd St. James, Arthur, 19 W. 10th St.; Joy, Jason, M.P.P.D.A., 469 Sth Ave. Kassel, M., 220 W. 42nd St. ; Klein, Edward, 25 W. 43rd St. ; Kopstein, Jacques, Bray Pictures, 729 7th Ave. Lachman, Marc, 565 Sth Ave. ; Lantz, Walter, Bray Pictures 729 7th Ave.; Leslie, Arthur, 140 W. 69th St. ;■ Lewis, Harry, Pathe, 35 W. 45th St. ; Lewis, Randolph, Hotel York, 7th Ave. and 38th St.; Liebler, Jr., Thos., Riverside, Conn.; Loughborough, James M., Metropolitan Theater, 6th and Hill Sts., Los Angeles; Lund, Ralph, Universal, 730 Sth Ave. McCarthy, Charles Famous Players, 485 Sth Ave.; McNamee, Edward, F. B. O., 1560 B'way.; Marin, Ned, First National, 383 Madison Ave. ; Mitchell, L. H., 3621 210th St., Bayside, L. I.; Moses, Vivian, Fox Film, 10th Ave. and SSth St. ; Mulligan, W. E., First National, 383 Madison Ave. Neilson, Rutgers. 145 W. 12th St. Palmer, S. D., Famous Players, 485 Sth Ave. ; Parsons, P. A., Pathe Exchange, 35 W. 4Sth St.; Perez, Paul, Universal City, Cal. ; Perkins, Bert, Peninsular Studios, Sat Mateo, Cal. ; Pettijohn, C. C, M. P. D. A., 469 Sth Ave. ; Price, Burr 366 Madison Ave. Randall, Bernard, 42 Elliot Place; Rittenberg, A. S., 322 Stegman Parkway, Jersey City, N. J. ; Rothstein, Nat G., Universal, 730 Sth Ave. ; Ryskind, Morrie, 543 W. 146th St. Saunders, Claude, Famous Players, 485 Sth Ave. ; Seadler, Silas F. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1540 Broadway; Selig, A. L., 620 W. 141st St.; Schaefer, Fred, United Artists, 729 7th Ave. ; Shapiro, Victor, United Artists, 729 7th Ave.; Shauer, Mel, Famous Players, 485 Sth Ave. ; Shipman, Ernest, 565 Sth Ave.; Solomon, Julian, 601 W. 184th St.; Supple, Ed. Trotta, Vincent, Famous Players, 485 Sth Ave. Weil, Joe, 25 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn; Weslmer, Dave, 250^4 Coronado St., Los Angeles: White, Gordon, Educational, 370 7th Ave. ; Wiley, Tom, National Photographers, 719 7th Ave. Yafifa, Harmon, 1650 B'way.; Yearsley, C. L.. 125 W 7bth St.; Young, L. A., Hudson Apts., 183rd St. and Pinehurst Ave. Zabin, James, Famous Players, 485 Sth Ave., and Zukor, Eugene, Famous Players, 485 Sth Ave. 843