Focus: A Film Review (1948-1949)

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THE CATHOLIC FILM SOCIETY (Affiliated to the Office Catholique Internationale du Cinema) President: His Eminence Cardinal Griffin, Archbishop of Westminster. Aims and Objects: 1. To encourage the development of Catholic criticism of films with the object of influencing, as far as possible, the type of films publicly exhibited. 2. To promote the organisation of discussion groups for the study of films. 3. To establish a library of films of Catholic interest. 4. To organise a Summer Film School. 5. To encourage the production of entertainment and documentary films calculated to demonstrate the Christian cultural heritage of Europe, in its arts, crafts, religious life, agriculture, architecture, etc. 6. To establish when and where possible, Cameo Repertory Cinemas where films of permanent interest and value may be seen. Annual Membership: 10s., (which includes monthly copy of Focus). Hon. Secretary: REV. J. A. V. BURKE, Mayfield College, Tunbridge Wells. Vol. I FOCUS No. 2 CONTENTS Page Editorial 25 Film Reviews 26 The Way Ahead 33 Topical Pars 34 A Screen Life of St. Vincent de Paul .... 35 Visual Aids 44 Readerscope 47 Book Review 48 FOCUS β€” Annual Subscription: Six Shillings. Single Copy: 7d. (post free). FOCUS β€” May be obtained from: The Manager, β€œThe Blue Cottage,” 69 Sumner Place Mews, London, S.W.7. Duckett, 140 Strand, London, W.C.2. Catholic Truth Society, 38 40 Eccleston Sq., Victoria, London, S.W.l. i