Focus: A Film Review (1948-1949)

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28 FOCUS INTERNATIONAL FILM REVIEW A New Cinema Quarterly, edited by the International Catholic Cinema Office FIRST ISSUE READY JANUARY 1949 Contents include: OUR PLACE IN INTERNATIONAL LIFE A Cinema Worthy of Christian Civilisation THE CINEMA AS MORAL AND CULTURAL EDUCATOR THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE CINEMA UNESCO'S PROGRAMME A CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF THE CINEMA HOLLYWOOD CRISIS Tom Prior and THE CINEMA IN AMERICAN EDUCATION AIMS OF THE LEGION OF DECENCY JOAN OF ARC How The Film Was Made ORSON WELLES— A PROFILE TECHNICAL DISCOVERIES THAT MAY REVOLUTIONISE Roger Millot Louis Marin Jean BenoiLLevy William Farr Felix Morlion, O.P. William H. Mooring Floyd Brooker Mrs. James Looram Paul Donceur, S.J. Jean Debongnie THE CINEMA L. Raitiere WORLD PANORAMA. Reviews of Films from aU over the world. Burke contributes reviews on British Films. etc. etc. etc. J. A. V. Subscription Rates: £l per annum. Single copies 5/YOU ARE ADVISED TO PLACE YOUR ORDERS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Copies Obtainable from: English Correspondent, INTERNATIONAL FILM REVIEW. MAYFIELD COLLEGE, TUNBRIDGE WELLS « PENNY A DAY FOR 240 DAYS’ FUND IF one fourth of the Catholic population in England and Scotland contributed a penny a day for 240 days The Catholic Film Society in England would be able to set up a production unit. It was the pennies of the Catholic population in France which made possible the making of the film Monsieur Vincent. Kindly send a donation to : Hon. Secretary, Rev. J. A. V. Burke, Mayfield College, Mayfield, Sussex PENNY A DAY FUND £ s. d. Previously acknowledged ... 101 5 6 Mr. J. V. Rust Miss C. Thompson 4 0 Per Dominican Fathers Mr. H. B. Murray 4 0 Mile. David-Tassin 5 0 £ s. d. 5 0 33 0 0 £135 3 6