The Great Selection: "First National First" Season 1922 - 1923 (1922)

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THE FINEST FIRST NATIONAL will play this same selection of FIRST NATIONAL is about to embark on its sixth year as a cooperative organization of exhibitors. Its membership more firmly united than ever by the ties of mutual interest — Its financial and business standing an established factor in the industry — Its future one of optimism, based upon accomplishment— Its business policy tempered and guided by experience, an experience of five hard years of endeavor in the hitherto untried field of exhibitor cooperation, an experience which has brought its disappointments but an experience which, because of sound principles and unrelenting effort, has ever discarded the impractical and clung to and progressed in the direction of better business ethics and greater accomplishment. To those who once doubted the practicability of such an organization we need but say — consider what we have accomplished. To those who criticise our mistakes we reply — they shall not be repeated. To those who believe in our future, to those who would become fellow Franchise Holders in our organization, we pledge a continuance of the effort to render a service that cannot be duplicated. During the past year or two of readjustment, we have been sorely tried by the same economic factors WFJW.UA'.WAWA?