The Great Selection: "First National First" Season 1922 - 1923 (1922)

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-A steeplechasing snatch from " The Hottentot" Below — Some of the popular players who appear in the First National Attractions produced by Thomas H. Ince M/LTO/V SILLS INCE does his work in advance. When a story goes into production, it goes into production once and for all; and everything the continuity calls for must be there when the picture is taken into the cutting room. Guess-work simply does not exist; he obviates it by putting every phase of creation, from editorial to directorial, into the hands of men and women who through years of association with the producer know his viewpoint and add their weight to the Ince wallop. But he himself is there all the time as the master-craftsman, to O.K., revise, suggest or reject at every stage. In studios ranking among the world's finest he has pilotted to the screen these eight First National Attractions, which will be welcomed by exhibitors and picturegoers alike. "Skin Deep," a highly original drama with Milton Sills and Florence Vidor; ""The Hottentot," a picturization of Willie Collier's stage comedy; "Jim" perhaps to be released under another title but a tremendous drama of conflict between woman's ambition and man's and having John Bowers, Milton Sills, Marguerite de la Motte and Francelia Billington in the principal roles; "The Brotherhood of Hate," a high tension play of the Kentucky mountains; "Someone to Love," pronounced a remarkable novelty drama, made under the direction of John Griffith Wray who directed "Hail the Woman;" and three Douglas MacLean features, "A Man of Action," "Bellboy Thirteen," and "The Sunshine Trail," reflecting the best of human comedy. They constitute the biggest contribution any one individual will make for the season of 1922-23. Each carries some new phase of that Ince punch — that sixth sense of knowing what to do and how to do it differently. luce's smashing program for the year — Big Stories, Big Pictures — gives absolute promise of Big Business for your theatre NOAH BEERY MADGE BELLAMV CULLFN LANDIS DOUGLAS MAC LEAN FRANK KEENAN mini 1 11 111 ilium 1111 immrnt ■ mnmm n hniimwiHummnampi'iiM n1 m iimiiii'an>ii' i^iiniriwiijnnnL_jiim— < Page Eleven