Handbook for motion picture and stereopticon operators (1908)

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62 Motion Picture can be used. A better practice seems to be, however, a combination of stereopticon and motionpicture lanterns which are distinctly separate. Ventilating. After 15 years' experience, in which different kinds of ventilated lanterns have been tried, it has been found that the coolest lantern is an absolutely closed-in body, back, bottom, and sides, of thin metal, without lining, with little chimneys or flues over the arc and leading up to the top, and a perforated metal bottom covered with a fine wire screen. Only spark-tight lanterns should be used, not alone for your own protection but to pass inspection. For the same reason a bucket of water should be at hand to extinguish an incipient fire, before a larger fire starts a panic. The lamp. A hand-feed arc lamp is the most common source of illumination, although oxy-hydrogen or calcium light is sometimes employed, and even acetylene gas under pressure may be used with a very small screen. The Nearnst lamp gives a very white light and is a very good light for home use when 3 or 4-foot screen is used; and works on 110 to 220 direct or alternating circuit. Electric lamps require a pressure of 45 to 60 volts. Surplus voltage is taken up in a rheostat