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order it placed in the record, at the point of the testimony where it was broiiglit up. But it is because we are criticized every day and every hour, and maybe we are praised every day and every hour. That doesn't influence us a great deal. We are just trying to do the best job we can,
Mr. NiBLO. I was merely answering
The CiiAiRMAX. We are not afraid, however, of tlie criticism. In fact, we welcome it. So the Chair will order the letter placed in the record at the point where the witness testified concerning it.
Mr. NiBLO. This is not a letter. It is a resolution which was passed.
The Chairman. A resolution. That is all right.
(The resolution referred to is as follows:)
The House Committee on Un-American Activities has announced that its hearings concerning Hollywood will commence September 2:>. It is apparent from the statements of committee members, investigators, and witnesses that the immediate target of these hearings will be the democratic guilds and unions of the picture industry. In the subcommittee hearings this spring, the Screen Writers' Guild was slanderously attacked as the center of subversive activity in Hollywood and afforded no opportunity to answer tlie charge. We are now sufficiently acquainted with the record and methods of this committee to know positively that there is no way to obtain a fair hearing under its auspices for our side of the case. For these reasons, and because every intelligent American knows that the eventual target of the committee is tlie freedom of the screen and American democratic rights in general, it is fitting that tlie Screen Writers' Guild should issue the following call to tlie other employee and employer organizations in the industry :
"That the various guilds, unions, and producer organizations in Hollywood unite in opposition to the conspiracy against the motion-picture industry between a few individuals within the industry and tlie controlling faction of the House Committee on Un-American Activities; that these groups, representing the overwhelming majority sentiment of the industry, use every means at their disposal to expose in advance the nature and purpose of the so-called hearings now scheduled for September 23 ; and that these groups combine their talents and existing channels for appearing to public opinion in order to present our side of tlie story to the American people during and after the committee sessions in Washington."
Mr. Smith. Those are all the questions I have, Mr. Chairman.
The Chairman. Mr. Vail.
Mr. Vail. No questions.
The Chairman. Mr. McDowell.
Mr. McDow^ELL. No questions.
The Chairman. Mr. Nixon.
Mr. Nixon. No questions.
The Chairman. Thank you very much.
Mr. NiBLo. Yes, sir.
The Chairman. The next witness, Mr. Smith.
Mr. Smith. Mr. Richard Macaulay.
The Chairman. Mr. Macaulay.
Raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God ?
Mr. Macaulay. I do.