Heinl radio business letter (Jan-Dec 1931)

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”7. The present authorized power output of clear channel station applicants. "8. The proximity of educational institu¬ tions to applicant stations; the availability of talent from such educational institutions for broadcasts; the amount of time heretofore devoted to educational programs by applicant sta¬ tions; the apparent willingness of applicant stations to coop¬ erate with such educational institutions, and the extent of time proposed to be given for broadcasting educational programs. "9. The measure of pov/er necessary to ade¬ quately serve the area and population of applicant stations. ”10. Section 5 of the Act of March 28, 1928 (Davis amendment), amending the Radio Act of 1927, which reads in part as follows; "It is hereby declared that the people of all the zones*****are entitled to equality of radio broadcasting ser¬ vice, both of transmission and of reception** . First Zone Recommendat ions FIRST. That Station WJZ, New York, be au¬ thorized to increase its power output from 30 KVV to ^ on its present assigned clear channel frequency of 760 kc., and that a construction permit be accordingly granted. SECOND. That Station WBZ, Boston, be au¬ thorized to increase its power output from 15 KW to 25 KW on its present assigned frequency of 990 kc., and that modification of its construction permit be accordingly granted. THIRD. That Station V/HAM, Rochester, N.Y. be authorized to increase its power output from 5 KW to 25 KW on its present assigned clear channel frequency of 1150 kc., and that a construction permit be accordingly granted. FOURTH. That Station WOR, Newark, N.J. be authorized to increase its power output from 5 KW to 25KW on its present assigned clear channel frequency of 710 kc., and that a construction permit be accordingly granted. Second Zone Recommendat i ons . FIRST. That Station WCAU, Philadelphia, be authorized to increase its power output from 10 KW to ^ ^ on its present assigned clear channel frequency of 1170 kc. , and that a construction permit be accordingly granted. SECOND. That Station WHAS, Louisville, Ky. , be authorized to increase its power output from 10 KW to ^ ^ on its present assigned clear channel frequency of 820 kc., and that a construction permit be accordingly granted. -3