Heinl radio business letter (Jan-Dec 1931)

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Polytechnic Institute, Birmingham, Ala. , authority to operate simultaneously during daylight hours with KVOO; KFAB. KFAB Broad¬ casting Co. , Lincoln, Neb. , modification of license to cover specified hours of operation filed in conjunction with C. 0. 105 (operate simultaneously daytime with WBBM~WJBT); WJBK and WIBM^ James F, Hopkins, Inc., Ypsilanti, Mich., and C. L. Carrell, Jackson, Mich. , permission to WJBK and WIBM to continue simultaneous operation to local sunset. Also, WMBN. Radiomarine Corp. of America, Yacht, ”Happy Days”, temporary authority to operate for period not to exceed 60 days, as follows: Calling 143, 500 kc. , working 151, 157, 159, 160, 400, 425 and 468 kc. , radio compass 375 kc. , 200 watts, A1 and A2 emission except on 143 kc, , A1 only, also, additional temporary authority to operate a recently installed transmitter on board this yacht on additional frequencies pending receipt of formal applica¬ tion for modification and renewal of existing license No. 2397; WCEBj Albert L. Hoffman, SS "INGOMAR”, license, calling 500, 5525 kc. , working 5555, 5615 kc, 100 watts, Al and A2 emission, frequency maintenance tolerance on 500 kc. , 0,1 per cent; on 5555, 5525 and 5615 kc, , .05 per cent; WCDM. Dollar Steamship Lines, Inc,, Ltd., SS "Stanley Dollar”, temporary authority pending receipt of formal application as follows; Calling 500 kc, , V/orking 454, 425, 410 kc. , radio compass: 375 kc. , 2 KW power B emission; WIQXAO. Atlantic Broad¬ casting Corp. , Niagara Falls, N. Y. , authority to use WIOXAC at Niagara Falls, Feb. 28, 1931. Also, W3XAB, RCA Victor Co. , Inc, , Camden, N, J, , extension of time of the special authorization granted by Commission on Jan* 9, 1931 from Feb, 12th to April 12, 1930, this authorization was for temporary authority to operate a transmitter at 6th and Market Sts. , in a tower on the building at that location; New York Alaska Gold Dredging Corn. , Lower Kushokwin River Valley, P. 0. , Nyac, T. Alaska, C. P. frequencies 274 and 3160 kc, , 50 w. ; KGUG , Aeronautical Radio, Inc., Ft. Worth, Texas, 0. p, for additional transmitter, 3484 kc, , and 5630 kc, , (day only), 50 watts, to communicate with aircraft flying Brown Chain; W3XM. Durham & Co# , Inc. , Philadelphia, Pa, , modification of P. to extend completion date of p, to March 1, 1931, and approval of site at Hotel Penn. , 39th and Chestnut St. , also change in name of applicant from Durham & Co, , Inc. , to Durham Radio Corp, ; WPDM, City of St* Petersburg, Fla, , modification of C. P. to extend completion date to March 31, 1931 and commencement date to Feb. 10, 1931; KGWX. Atlantic Broadcasting Corp., Portable, Los Angeles, Cal., modification of C, p, for extension of completion date to May 18, 1931. KMT, Also, Libby, McNeill and Libbyg /Llbbyville. Alaska, C. P 3184 kc. , 250 watts, public coastal and point-to-point service; KMF ^ Egegik, Alaska, KNO, Nushagak, Alaska, KVV. Koggiung, Alaska, modification of C. P. s for change in apparatus, change in commencement date of C. p, to june 1, 1931, change in frequencies from 256, 272, 460 and 500 kc. , to 3184, increase in power to 100 watts; KMG« Bristol Bay, Alaska, KML. Lockanok, Alaska, modification of C.P, s for change in apparatus, change in date of commencement to June 1^ 1931, change in frequencies from 256 and 272 to 3184, increase in power from 50 to 100 watts; KGOR, Motor Vessel, "David B” , modifica¬ tion of license to change equipment and frequency to 3184 kc. , for purpose of communicating with proposed land stations on same fre¬ quency to be located in vicinity of Libbyville, Alaska.